CALL MEETING TO ORDER:President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 31 members present. One guest was introduced: Debbie Foust.
MINUTES: Ginny moved to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2009 meeting, with Pat seconding the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,360.69. Income deposited was $380 for 2009 member dues, and $20 from pattern reimbursements. Expenses included $25 to SD Quilt Guild.
LIBRARIAN: Jan reported that a tenant from the Evans (Kerma Martinez) donated a number of quilt books to the guild. Sandy Taylor and her sister also donated books. They are in the library. Jan explained the library check out system. Jan has cleaned out the library, placing some books and patterns on the back table for give away. Others, including guild scrapbooks, have been put in the cabinet on the stage. The key to that cabinet is with the library. Jan passed around the AQS order form.
HISTORIAN: Helen needs two more quilts for display for the next month.
PROGRAM: Cora reported that the Strip Mine class went well, with 14 quilters taking the class. Cora reminded members that UFO sign-up cards need to be turned in at the March meeting. Cora brought in extra copies of the 2009 program for those who needed one.
Sheryl (in Bobbie’s absence) explained the paper pieced hot pad project for the March 7th work day. Samples of the finished product were shown, and supply list was given. A sign-up sheet was passed around, and 14 members signed up to take the class. Bobbie will have the patterns and insulating fabric the day of the class.
The French braid class has been cancelled, as it accidentally did not get included in the program budget. There is a book in the library on this technique, as well as several members who are familiar with the technique. Beth is familiar with the technique, and has two French braid projects on display at the State Home.
The Leaf Shadow class will go on as planned, and is scheduled for July.
2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: Will consider where to display this quilt, beginning in April/May 2009.
2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Beth is the chairman. She brought an example of the square to show members, as well as brought in instructions for the 9 patch block. She will take any of these squares that are completed or you can hand them in at the March meeting. At that time, Beth will provide instructions for the next step.
Tuesday Group: Most recently this group helped Mrs. Lolley (a State Home resident) put together a quilt top for her youngest son. This group meets in the auditorium at the State Home every Tuesday about 9 AM, except the second Tuesday, when they meet in the basement dining room. All are invited.
Annual Audit of Books: Was completed last month by Nancy Cuckler and Cindy Reed. Nancy reported that the audit went well and the books are accurate. She did recommend that the Treasurer use the bank statement form when doing the monthly reconciliation of the account.
Dues: Remember that dues are now $15 per year and are due at this time. Per by-laws, payments of dues are to be made within the 60 days of the start of the new year (March meeting). After the March meeting, a list of all members will be published. Prior members, who have not paid their dues by that time, will not be listed as members.
Julie read a thank you letter from the State Home for the guild’s donation. The funds were used to purchase computer printers for the resident lounges.
March “Sew In”: Beth has made arrangements with the State Home to use the auditorium on March 21, for a “sew-in”. March 21 is National Quilting Day. The “sew in” will start at 9 AM, and quilts will be made for the State Home, as well as for the Sheriff Office. Beth will provide a supply list at the March meeting. We will be pot lucking on that day, so bring a dish. Beth says there will also be a couple of surprises during the day. It should be a lot a fun and a worthwhile project. This will be a good time to use up some the strips, scraps, and squares you might have in your stash.
Sheryl reported that she had stored four Alabaugh fire quilts at her house. She recently donated two to a family in Oral, who lost their home and belongings in a house fire. She still has two quilts that could be donated to other families experiencing the loss of their house by fire.
Update By-Laws: Julie asked that anyone who has by-law information after February 11, 1999 email it to her. Julie is also asking for committee volunteers to consider revisions to the By-Laws.
Summer Quilt Show: It has been discovered that on the Chamber website, a summer quilt show is being advertised for June 26 during Arts in the Park. No one
from the Chamber contacted the quilt regarding a summer show and the guild has not budgeted for a summer quilt show. Julie asked for discussion as whether or not anyone wanted to put on a show, even though no money was budgeted for a show. There was no discussion. Cindy suggested that the Chamber be contacted regarding the fact that there will be no show, and they could put a notice on their website that the show is cancelled. Julie will contact the Chamber.
1. Ann reported that a customer had come into the shop, looking for someone to handquilt four or five quilt tops. Ginny said that Bev Carlson and some of ladies in Edgemont do this type of thing. Ginny will give the phone number and other information to Ann to pass on to her customer.
2. Let Helen know if you have quilts to hang; we need three each month.
3. The Minnekahta Quilters Guild website can be accessed at http://minnekahtaquiltguild.blogspot.com.
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be March 12 at 7 PM.
NEXT WORKDAY: March 7 will be paper pieced hot pads. Lunch will be potluck.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
BLOCK DRAWING: Cora won the block drawing. She has chosen snowflakes, on any shade of blue as her theme. The blocks are to be 12 ½ inches and are due at the March meeting.
Caroline Standen: Iris block; Strip Mine (UFO); 9 patch.
Delores Hickman: Strip Mine; Apple table runner; Valentine table topper.
Julie Standen: Ralph Miller quilt (UFO); Baby blanket (UFO); Iris block; 9 patch.
Laurna Nelson: Dolphin wall hanging; Iris block.
Marilyn Rowley: Iris block.
Elaine Anderson: 9 patch; Iris block; BOQ top; Tim flies wall hanging.
Helen Schillinger: Iris block.
Stacey Martin: Cathedral block wall hanging, 2 wall hanging; 1 quilt.
Beth Mazella: Divine F lines; Iris block; Strip mine.
Ann Powers: Big city/small town wall hanging; Memories of Okolca quilt top.
Dorothy Denison: Iris block; Strip mine.
Arlene Mitchard: 2 blocks for 2010; Ginny tulip.
Ginny Coates: UFO make your move; Valentine table runner.
Sandy Taylor: Iris block.
Jan Weisser: Iris block.
Pearl Risinger: Iris block; Strip mine.
Delores Hagman: Strip mine.
Cora Fugier: Strip mine; Star without a pattern; 2-9 patch blocks.
Cindy Reed: Iris block; 2-9 patch blocks.
Sheryl Brost: Iris block.
Pick a Peck Hot Pads (Supply list from Bobby)
This class will be held March 7, 2009
These hot pads (set of 6) are quick and easy projects that I had a fun time stitching up. I hope that you will join in the session on March 7, 2009 and make a set too.
Items needed for the class are: fabric scissors
paper scissors
well working machine
cutting mat/ruler
rotary cutter
thread color for quilting each of the hot pads and any other paper piecing needs
Fabric for each hot pad are as follows:
Pumpkin: orange 6"x 6" green for stem
Tomato: red 6"x6" green for stem
Watermelon: red 6" x6" green for rind white for inter rind
Eggplant: purple 6"x6" green for stem
Saturday, March 7– This is the Pick a Peck Hot Pads class. See supply list above. As always, remember to bring a potluck dish to share.
Thursday, March 12, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.
When rotary cutting strips of the same width, put masking tape on the underside of your ruler at the cutting line. The masking tape will give a slightly raised edge to butt up to the cut fabric edge.