Friday, November 28, 2008


CALL TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Twenty-five members were present with two guests, Dee Watson’s brother Joe and Leta Shively, a resident of the State Home.

MINUTES: Minutes of the October 9, 2008 meeting were approved.

TREASURER: The ending balance for this month is $1864.49. Income deposited included $105.00 from CITH raffle tickets. Expenses included $114.90 to Karen Meston for the newsletter and $212.00 for CITH quilt show room rental at the Mueller Center.

LIBRARIAN: no report

HISTORIAN: no report


Guild members basted several quilts on the November 1 workday.
The next Quilt Block Giveaway will be at the December meeting. Blocks should have a Christmas theme, but may be any size or any shape – “anything goes”
UFO’s should be done tonight!
The Christmas party will be held at the next meeting, including the fabric giveaway. Christa will contact the State Home about furnishing drinks. Members are to bring Christmas goodies to share.


1. Bobbie, Cora, and Joan will present the entire program plan for 2009 at the December meeting.
2. Cora presented information about the “Strip Mine” class to be held on January 10, 2009. A sample was displayed. Members need to sign up at the meeting tonight so that patterns can be ordered. Patterns will be $5.00 each (with 15 or more ordered) and will be available at the December meeting. Please pay Delores at the December meeting for your pattern.
3. Joan has verified meeting and workday dates with the State Home. Fliers will be available at CITH and the December meeting.


NEWSLETTER: no report
2008 CITH Raffle Quilt: The quilt has been displayed at HeartSong Quilt Shop. Thank you Ann! Karen now has the quilt and will take it to the Passionate Quilters retreat in Custer. Ann has the raffle tickets numbered and in envelopes with pictures. Be sure to pick up your packets from her.
2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: The completed quilt was displayed. This quilt was made from a kit donated by a friend of Ginny Coates. The quilt will go to Julie’s home until it is time to start selling tickets on it.
Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. The address is .
Tuesday Group: Sandy reported that Sheila at the State Home would like to have quilters present each Veterans Day. Several quilters worked this year. Festivities included a band, as well as cookies and drinks. Guild members could also sell ornaments or other small quilted items that day.
Signature Quilt: The quilt will be tied by the Tuesday group this coming Tuesday. Beth needs all blocks by this weekend. The quilt will be displayed at CITH.


Bobbie presented information about the CITH quilt show. Copies of quilt info forms were distributed and also have been emailed to members by Julie. Rent for the room at the Mueller Center has been paid. Going rate for two days is now $265.00. Julie was able to get a reduction to $212.00. Next year, the guild should rent the room for only one and a half days and make sure that the Mueller Center knows we are a nonprofit organization. Members will start hanging quilts at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, December 5. A signup sheet for workers and quilts was distributed. Quilts may be dropped off at Heartsong Quilts by 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 4. Julie and Helen will look for the wooden MQG sign.
The Christmas Tree at the State Home will be decorated following tonight’s meeting. The Tuesday group will take down the decorations after the holidays.


The annual officer meeting of out-going and incoming officers (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, program chair) will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 6, at the CITH show. Other members are welcome to attend. Please bring your copies of the 2008 budget and be prepared to develop the 2009 budget.
1. Please let Helen know if you have quilts to hang, as we need three each month. Quilts are needed for December.
2. The Minnekahta Quilters Guild website can be accessed at .
3. The International Quilt Study Center in Lincoln, Nebraska will hold the 4th Biennial Symposium on April 2-4, 2009. “The Global Quilt: Cultural Contexts” will be for individuals interested in exploring quilts as a means of cultural expression and cross-cultural transmission. Julie has a brochure if you are interested.
4. Julie also shared a photo of a garden in the shape of quilt blocks.
5. Ann reported that Heartsong Quilts will be participating in National Tie One On Day on Saturday, November 15. Members are invited to come to the shop to make aprons to honor women this day. Members may also bring aprons in to the shop. In conjunction with Sonny’s, aprons and loaves of bread will be delivered to WEAVE on November 26. Ann has free apron patterns. She also had requests for quilts to buy; contact her if you are interested in consigning quilts. Franz Brown has requested that the guild do a long-term show.


NEXT MEETING: The next business meeting will be December 11 at 7 pm.

NEXT WORKDAY: December 6 will be the CITH quilt show; there will be no workday at the State Home.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


Cora Fugier: Sue Cleland’s Strip Mine wall hanging
Elaine Anderson – Gutzy Geisha table runner (UFO)
Laurna Nelson – Angel quilt, Dora Quit, Care bear Quilt, Heart table runner, apron,
Christmas quilt block
Ann Powers – two Birdie Sling bags, apron, Love All Around quilt
Helen Schillinger – Santa wall hanging
Beth Mazzella – Autumn Braid runner (UFO)
Gloria Korell – Spring Quilt (UFO)
Sandy Taylor – Sunbonnet Sue square for Linda V, Round Robin
Carolyn Terrill – pumpkin wall quilt
Sheryl Brost – 9 Patch quilt (UFO)
Pat Cerney – table runner
Ginny Coats – Sunbonnet Sue block for Linda V., two table runners, appliquéd dish towel
Delores Hickman – striped table runner
Marilyn Rowley – Sunbonnet Sue block for Linda V., fourth Block of the Quarter, Winter Friends Round Robin, Christmas Triptych (UFO), Christmas table topper (UFO)
Julie Standen – Round Robin 2008 (UFO)
Christa Achtenberg – children’s apron


The Dakota Men’s Ensemble will perform at the Mueller Center on Saturday, December 6. Tickets are $8.00 in advance and $10.00 at the door. Joan’s son is a part of this group.

The high school fall play will be held November 20 and 21 at the Mueller Center.


Saturday, Dec. 6– Christmas in The Hills Quilt Show. There will be no workday this month.

Thursday, December 11, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.


Quilting with a friend will keep you in stitches.

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