Monday, January 19, 2009


CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. There were 22 members present. Guests were introduced: Stacy Martin (Pat’s daughter) and Dee Watson’s brother, Joe. Others guests introduced and who joined the guild were Helen Spitzer, Gladys Pullens, Peggy McNamara, and Delores Hageman.

STATE HOME PRESENTATION: On behalf of the guild, Julie presented $750 to State Home director, Randy Meyers. Julie thanked the State Home for the use of their space. He informed the guild that these funds would go toward putting computers in the resident lounges.

MINUTES: Beth moved to approve the minutes from the December 11, 2008 meeting, with Nancy seconding the motion. No discussion. Unanimous.

TREASURER: The ending balance for this month is $1985.69. Income deposited included $120 from 2009 membership dues; $85 from pattern reimbursement, and $0.27 from program reimbursement. Expenses included $15 to Fons & Porter, $5.57 to the Hot Springs Star, and $750 to the State Veterans’ Home.

LIBRARIAN: Jan reported that there are books, magazines and patterns on the back table for the taking. As a new year is starting, Jan will be ordering books. Let her know if you want to order anything.

HISTORIAN: Helen will take pictures from the CITH’s show if any of you have some. Will need two quilts to display next month.

PROGRAM: Cora will bring copies of the 2009 program, for the new members, to the February meeting. Cora passed out the cards to list UFO’s. She explained the UFO project to the new members. Cards are due back to Cora at the March meeting. Also, there are two patterns remaining for the January 10th Strip Mine class if anyone is interested.

Bobbie asked that those who are participating in the monthly block drawing to be thinking of a theme, should their name be drawn. Bobbie put out examples of the paper piece potholders that will be the March workday project.

2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: This quilt is completed and is being stored at Julie’s.

2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Beth is in chairman. The title of the quilt is Peace Together, and it will be hand quilted. Beth would like to have it pieced and on the frame by June 2009. It is a nine patch, scrappy quilt. She handed out instructions for making the squares, with the squares due at the March meeting.

Tuesday Group: This group took down the Christmas tree decorations and stored them. Julie thanked them for doing this.


Julie asked for discussion on the subject of releasing guild members’ email addresses. No one at the meeting felt there was a problem. Beth asked if the guild had a policy regarding this subject. Julie stated that there was none. Beth moved that the guild establish a policy that before any member addresses (regular or email) are given out, that the board (officers) meet to approve of this. Cora seconded this motion. No discussion. Passed unanimously.
The 2009 budget had previously been given to all members. Margaret moved to approve the budget as written, and Beth seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Passed unanimously.


Dues are $15 for the year, and are due by March. Please pay your dues to Delores Hickman. After the March meeting, a new list of members will be generated and given out to all members.
Nancy Cuckler and Cindy Reed have volunteered to do the annual audit of the books.


1. Let Helen know if you have quilts to hang; we need three each month. She needs two more for February.
2. SD Quilter’s Guild Newsletter for December has been put in library.
3. Julie heard from Sue Cleland. Sue and her husband are selling their home, and plan to be fulltime travelers. Sue does want to continue as a guild member and will be home this spring as planned.
4. Cora asked that those participating in the Strip Mine class on Saturday have fabric cut in preparation for the class.
5. The Minnekahta Quilters Guild website can be accessed at

NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be February 12 at 7 PM.

NEXT WORKDAY: January 10, at 9 AM, will be the Strip Mine class. February 7 is a work on your own day. Lunch will be potluck.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

BLOCK DRAWING: Ginny Coates won the block drawing. She has chosen irises (the flower) as her theme. The blocks are to be 12 ½ inches and are due at the February meeting.


Elaine Anderson: Block of the Quarter #3, sewing room clock.
Jan Weisser: Star Wedding Quilt.
Marilyn Rowley: Circles Table Runner.
Cora Fugier: Christmas Block (for Ginny).
Julie Standen: Baby Blanket.
Caroline Standen: Wall hanging for Baby.

Pick a Peck Hot Pads (Supply list from Bobby)
This class will be held March 7, 2009
These hot pads (set of 6) are quick and easy projects that I had a fun time stitching up. I hope that you will join in the session on March 7, 2009 and make a set too.

Items needed for the class are:
fabric scissors
paper scissors
well working machine
cutting mat/ruler
rotary cutter
thread color for quilting each of the hot pads and any other paper piecing needs

Fabric for each hot pad are as follows:
Pumpkin: orange 6"x 6" green for stem
Tomato: red 6"x6" green for stem
Watermelon: red 6" x6" green for rind white for inter rind
Eggplant: purple 6"x6" green for stem
Corn: Yellow Green for husk

Cream/tan background fabric - ½ yard for each block, back and binding
Stripe fabric for center border.I used black double sided bias tape for the binding and you may choose to do the same.


Saturday, Feb. 7– This is a work on your own projects workday. As always, remember to bring a potluck dish to share.

Thursday, February 12, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.

Use the same ruler throughout a project when you rotary cut. Not all rulers measure exactly the same.

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