March 12, 2009
CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 28 members present. One guest was introduced: Bonnie, a resident of the State Home.
MINUTES: Dorothy moved to approve the minutes from the February 12, 2009 meeting, with Bobbie seconding the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,545.69. Income deposited was $180 for 2009 member dues, and $5 overpayment from SDQG. There were no expenses.
APRIL GUILD MEETING: The meeting in April is scheduled on Holy Thursday. Both the president and the vice-president have church commitments, so neither will be available to preside over the meeting. Pearl made a motion to cancel the April meeting and Ginny seconded that motion. The discussion on this motion included the fact that Beth, as chairman of the 2010 CITH raffle quilt, would need more time at this meeting to discuss this project. Beth also asked that all members watch their email for continued instructions/information on the 2010 raffle quilt. A vote was taken on the motion to cancel April’s meeting, and it passed with unanimous approval.
LIBRARIAN: There was no librarian report.
HISTORIAN: There was no historian report.
PROGRAM: Bobbie reported the hot pad class on March 7 went well. There were about 10 participants. Bobbie reports that there are supplies and patterns on the back table, if anyone would like to take some.
Today is the last day to sign up for UFO’s. See Cora for your sign up cards.
The Block of the Month drawing will continue, and the winner will be drawn at the end of the meeting tonight. Be sure to be thinking of a theme, should your name be drawn. Because April’s guild meeting has been cancelled, two names, for the March and April blocks, will be drawn this evening, with blocks due at the May meeting.
Joan presented the quarterly quilt charity report. She handed out a copy of the report, which will also appear in our newsletter. She reported on three charity quilt projects that benefited Alzheimer’s, a Valentine quilt project for children, and quilts of valor. The purpose of the charity quilt reports is educate the guild on various charity projects that are available, so that the guild can decide if they would like to participate in a charitable quilt project.
The April workday is April 4. Cora and Sue presented information on the project for that day, which is a challenge quilt. The supply list, and instructions have been handed out. The challenge quilt involves the use of special rulers needed to make half square and quarter square triangles. Cora asks that, prior to the class, we choose our fabrics, wash and iron the fabrics, and cut into four inch strips. The rest of the cutting will take place during the class. Ann will have these special rulers at her shop.
2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: Arrangements have been made to show the 2009 raffle quilt at HeartSong Quilts during the Shop Hop, which begins on April 4. There is a sign-up sheet for selling tickets during the Shop Hop week, April 4 through April 11. Call Beth at 745-6548 to sign up.
The quilt will also be shown at the Chadron Quilt show scheduled for the end of April. Beth will email a sign up sheet for selling tickets at that show.
2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Beth reported that a total of 42 nine patch squares will be needed for this project. She asks that all squares be turned in this evening. She will then get a total of all the squares turned in and see if more are needed. Beth handed out the template, fabrics, and instructions for making the children. This will require appliquéing, and Beth said that any appliqué method can be used. Everyone is encouraged to embellish their children in any way they choose. These are due back by the June meeting.
Tuesday Group: This group continues to meet, and encourages anyone who is available to join them.
Dues: Today is the last day to pay your dues, in order to get your name published on the membership list. Delores will compile the membership list and get that to Karen for publishing in the next newsletter. Individuals can still join the guild after this time, but the names will not appear on the membership list.
Quilt-In: March 21 is National Quilting Day. Beth has organized a quilt-in for that day. We will start quilting at 9 AM, with a potluck lunch at noon. We will be making a couple of quilts for the State Home, as well as the Sheriff’s Office. We will work as teams to make these quilts, using strips and scraps from our stashes. The State Home has donated some sheets to be used as foundations.
Update By-Laws: Cindy Reed has already volunteered to be on this committee. During the May meeting, more volunteers will be requested. Julie has the current by-laws in a word document, and will send them to Karen, to attach to the newsletter. Everyone is asked to read the by-laws, and consider being part of the committee to update them.
Summer Quilt Show: The Chamber of Commerce has been notified that the guild is not doing a show this summer during Arts in the Park. Karl Bochert, from the Arts in Park committee, asked if there was anyone in the guild who would be interested in doing a one hour quilting demonstration during the event. If anyone is interested in doing this demo, let Julie know and she will give you Karl’s contact information.
The Chadron Quilt Show is April 24 through April 26. It will be held at Assumption Arena.
1. Helen will need three quilts to hang at the State Home. Let her know if you would like to display one of your quilts.
2. Ann had several announcements.
A Heart and Home Club, block of the month will start on Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 PM. This will last six months. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the back.
The Shop Hop is scheduled for April 4 through April 11. It is a garden theme. If you have any flower or garden themed quilts that you would like displayed, Ann will display them at HeartSong.
April 20 is National Make a Quilt Day. There will be a trunk show at Heart Song featuring quilts made with 30’s reproduction fabrics. If you have a 30’s reproduction quilt, Ann invites you to put it in the trunk show.
The French braid class will be offered at the shop. No specific date has been set at this time. Look for details of this class and more on the HeartSong website, www.heartsongquilts.com.
3. The Minnekahta Quilters Guild website can be accessed at http://minnekahtaquiltguild.blogspot.com.
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be May 14 at 7 PM.
NEXT WORKDAY: April 4, Cora will be presenting the challenge quilt project. May 2 is a work on your own day. Don’t forget potluck.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
BLOCK DRAWING: Dorothy won the March drawing, and has selected variation of the Sunbonnet Sue and Sam, using Eskimos. Marilyn won April block drawing, and has chosen a Prairie Queen block, using the colors of wedge wood blue, sage green and lavender. A sample of the block will be included in the newsletter. Don’t forget, all blocks are to be 12-1/2 inch squares.
Caroline Standen: Hot pads; snowflake block.
Delores Hickman: Nine patch blocks; pot holders; iris block; rainbow block.
Julie Standen: Snowflake block.
Sheryl Brost: Nine patch blocks; snowflake block.
Pat Martin: Nine patch blocks; plaid Bear Paw top in progress.
Stacy Martin: Nine patch blocks.
Dorothy Dennison: Snowflake block.
Helen Schillinger: Snowflake block; strip mine.
Elaine Anderson: Hot pads; snowflake block; southwest stars (UFO); strip mine (UFO).
Jan Moeller: Grand-daughters’ quilts.
Beth Mazella: Ice cream quilt; flower block.
Ann Powers: Stained glass quilt; Alcazar wall hanging; sunflowers; heart and home
Block; Mothers Day project quilt.
Marilyn Rowley: Nine patch blocks; snowflake block; strip mine top; rosemaling top; Calendar quilt top.
Bobbie Augustine: Snowflake block; star quilt (UFO).
Karen Meston: Iris block.
Nancy Cuckler: Round robin; nautical scene; eight point star.
Pat Scheltens: Professional tote.
Ginny Coates: Snowflake block; nine patch blocks.
Sue Cleland: Snowflake block; iris block.
Pearl Risinger: Nine patch blocks; snowflake block.
Carolyn Terrill: Nine patch blocks; small throw.
Saturday, March 21 – This is National Quilt-In Day and we will be working on several charity quilt projects. Bring your machine and other sewing tools along with any scraps for strip quilting. We have already collected quite a few but more are always welcome. We will be making the strip mine pattern as well as others. We will be cutting, pressing and sewing in an assembly line to create 2 twin size quilts for the State Home as well as children’s quilts for the Sheriff’s Dept. to give to children in stressful situations. Bring a potluck dish to share and remember we will be having cake at 2:00 pm.
Saturday, April 4– This is the challenge quilt project. This project was in the Jan/Feb 2006 issue of Fons and Porter. As always, remember to bring a potluck dish to share.
Thursday, May 14, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.
Please note that the April business meeting is canceled!
Remove fabric or quilts from the dryer before they are completely dry. Fabric is easier to iron when the wrinkles haven’t been hard set by the heat, and slightly damp quilts can be laid out and squared up on the floor. There’s also less wear on the finish of the materials.
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