August 13, 2009
CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 28 members present. Ann introduced her guest: Jesse Powers.
MINUTES: Laurna moved to approve the minutes from the July 9, 2009 meeting, with the motion being seconded. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,658.10. Income this past month was $124.50, and expenses were $240.06.
Finances: Delores Hagman inquired as why there is so much money in the guild’s treasury. Karen explained why the balance is maintained at the level it is…to avoid a situation similar to a few years ago, where the treasury had no funds. Also, a portion of the funds currently in the treasury are actually from the sales of raffle tickets, and will be used toward the 2010 guild programs.
LIBRARIAN: Jan stated that she has been working on re-arranging the library. It is not sorted by category, author and title. The contents of the library are listed alphabetically, by title, in a notebook. When checking out a book, pull the card from the book, sign your name to it, and place the card in the blue box. When you return the book, take the card from the blue box and put it back in the book. The guild thanked Jan for her hard work.
Jan then passed around the order forms for the new books.
HISTORIAN: There was no historian report. Helen stated that she will need three quilts to hang next month.
PROGRAM: Sue reviewed the list of class recommendations submitted by guild members and sought clarification about some of the names listed as potential teachers.
July 18 Leaf Shadow Class: Bobbie reported that this class went well. She handed out the instructions used for the class. These are a more accurate revision of the instructions given out the day of the class.
October Mystery Table Runner Class: Joan handed out the supply list for this project, and passed around the sign-up sheet. The class will be on October 3. Joan will be teaching the class, and she stated that if we come to the class with our fabrics pre-cut, we should go home with a finished project. The class will start at 9 AM. Be sure to bring a pot luck item.
UFOs: Cora asked guild members to get with her after the meeting, so she can make sure that all completed UFO’s have been marked off. All UFOs need to be completed and presented by the November meeting. If you have not completed your UFOs by the November meeting, bring to the meeting a fat quarter for each UFO not completed. The fat quarters will be distributed during the December meeting.
Challenge Quilt: The challenge quilts should be done by the November meeting. They will then be displayed at the quilt show during Christmas in the Hills. The “People’s Choice” award at the show will be selected from the challenge quilts.
Christmas Fat Quarters: Fat quarters will not be given out out as gifts to guild members during the Christmas party this year. Rather, bring an unwanted UFO, (wrapped) to the party, and there will be a UFO gift exchange. Make it pretty so someone will want it!!
2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: The raffle quilt is currently on display at the Quilt Shop in Custer. It will be there until the end of August. If anyone happens to be in Custer toward the end of the month please collect it and bring it back to town so it can go to another location next month.
2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Beth stated that the 2010 raffle quilt will go on the frame after August 22. The Tuesday morning group, and any others who wish, will be quilting on it. Just be sure to check the State Home auditorium for availability. Beth showed the quilt top made from the left over nine patches. This quilt will go on the frame after the raffle quilt is done. The guild will need to discuss, at a later date, what will be done with this quilt once it is completed.
Update By-Laws: The by-law revisions have been completed and passed by the guild. Copies have been made, and each member is encouraged to pick up a copy after tonight’s meeting. Extra copies will be kept in the library so they are available to new members.
Operating Guidelines: Julie is looking for volunteers to help put together operating guidelines. This document would outline what officers and committee members (i.e. CITH; County Fairs; etc.) do and how they do it. Stacy and Beth volunteered to help collect this information. They do request that the information be sent to them in word documents so it will be easy to consolidate the information.
Guild Flyer: Ann and Brian are working on these. Joan has volunteered to help with project. Ann will bring some ideas to the next meeting. It would nice to have the flyers ready by CITH.
County Fair: The fair is over, and pictures of the winners are on the guild’s blog. Karen has emailed a report on the winners to all the members. Karen reported that there were over 60 entries. There were no youth entries for the second year in a row. Karen suggested that we think of ways to involve the youth, through 4-H, in quilting.
Charity Quilts: On the September 12 work day, we will be working on charity quilts. At the September meeting, Beth will be presenting the completed charity quilts to the State Home and the Sheriff’s Office. NOTE: in September the work day will be after the monthly meeting.
Hot Springs Heritage Festival: This is sponsored by the Hot Springs Chamber Arts Committee and will be September 18, 19, and 20. It replaces the Artoberfest Art Walk. The goal of this festival is to recreate the early 1900’s. Businesses in town will be doing something related to that era. Brian Powers, as a member of the Chamber of Commerce approached Julie with the idea of guild members having period quilts on display at HeartSong during this time. He suggested older quilts similar to those displayed earlier this summer when we had a small showing of quilts from the 30-40s. This would not be a show, just a display. Also, some of our hand-quilters may want to be in the shop demonstrating their talents. If interested, have your quilts to the shop by September 17.
Edgemont OctoberFest: Julie will call Lynda Anderson to inquire if Edgemont is planning this event for this Fall, and if they would like our guild to participate. It also might be a good opportunity to display our raffle quilt and sell tickets.
Name Tags: Beth suggested that name tags, for members, could be something that would be helpful in getting to know each other, as well as helping new members get to know members. Julie will put this suggestion to the program committee for consideration.
1. Let Helen know if you have a quilt to display at the State Home.
2. Beth has re-cycled plastic containers on the back table. These make good project containers, and storage for other items. Take some home with you, if you are interested.
3. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is http://minnekahtaquiltguild.blogspot.com.
4. Hill City Outdoor Quilt Show and Sale: The Hill City businesses are sponsoring a quilt show on Sunday, September 13 from 9 AM until 4 PM. Informational brochures will be dropped off at Heart Song. On Monday and Tuesday, following the show there will be a quilt class. There is more information at their website, www.hillcityquiltshow.com.
5. Arlene announced that Jan Sears will be at the Hill City quilt show and will be available to appraise quilts.
6. Elections of Officers in October: Julie reminded the guild that soon a nominating committee will be put together and will be asking guild members to fill officer positions, as well as the program committee. Please give some thought to filling one of these positions when asked. It takes the help of many people to keep a guild functional. We are all busy people, but if we want to continue having an active and fun guild, we need you to be willing to help. Don’t be afraid to try. Officers from previous years are available and willing to help. Please consider volunteering if you get a call from the Nominating Committee!
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be September 10 at 7 PM. Note that this is before the September workday.
NEXT WORKDAY: September 12; Charity Quilt work day.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 8 PM.
BLOCK DRAWING: Judy Gifford won the block drawing and has chosen flowers as her theme. Judy would like these to be on a cream colored background, and 12-1/2 inches square.
Caroline Standen: High heel block; 4 9 patch blocks.
Julie Standen: Two baby quilts. 4 – 9 patch blocks.
Laurna Nelson: 4 -9 patch blocks.
Bobbie Augustine: 4 – 9 patch blocks; yoyo quilt; leaf shadow table runner; star quilt.
Sheryl Brost: Shoe Block; 4 9 patch blocks.
Helen Schillinger: 4 – 9 patch blocks.
Peg Kaan: Strip Mine.
Sue Cleland: Gloria’s flower block; 4 – 9 patch blocks.
Cora Fugier: UFO table runner; Gutsy Geisha.
Delores Hagman: 4 – 9 patch blocks; Quilt in the making; table runner.
Sandy Taylor: Squares for Stacy.
Elaine Anderson: Tuesday morning UFO; Challenge quilt.
Beth Mazella: Fall colors and leftover star.
Ann Powers: Shoe Block.
Jesse Powers: Artwork.
Judy Gifford: Leaf shadow; Paper pieced star; purse.
MJ Varick: High heel block.
Stacy Martin: French braid table runner.
Thursday, September 10, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.
Saturday, September 12 – Charity Quilts. Bring a potluck dish. We have lots of quilts in progress, as well as a binding to sew on for Grace Wilson who is a resident of the State Home.
Stuck for a border design? Try creating a border unit that repeats an element from a unit or group of units in the body of the quilt design.
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