Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fall River County Fair Quilt Categories 2010

Fall River County Fair Quilt Categories 2010

Class G – Quilting

General Rules: To be a quilt there must be three layers attached together; a top, batting and backing. Enter non quilted items into needlework Class A. There is no limit on the number of entries in Class G. List name of person piecing quilt as well as name of quilter, if different. In categories including “professionally quilted”, the name of professional quilter must be listed.

At time of entry, the following special designations must be declared – Senior (over 75 years old), youth (under 19years old), and Challenge (see below). Separate awards will be given for each of these special designations in addition to any other awards.

2010 Challenge: The Theme is The Fair-est of them all. The size requirement is a minimum of 84 inches to a maximum of 120 inches around the perimeter. Relevance to the theme will be taken into account in the judging.

64. Large Quilts: Outside total dimensions 300 inches or more
a. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd, hand quilted
b. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd, machine quilted (self)
c. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd and professionally quilted
d. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd, hand quilted
e. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd, machine quilted (self)
f. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd and professionally quilted
g. Mixed techniques (includes more than one technique in the same quilt, such as painting, embroidery.
h. Whole cloth, hand quilted (includes stencil)
i. Whole cloth, machine quilted (includes stencil) (self)
j. Tied

65. Small Quilts: Outside total dimensions more than 100 inches and less than 325 inches
a. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd, hand quilted
b. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd, machine quilted (self)
c. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd and professionally quilted
d. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd, hand quilted
e. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd, machine quilted (self)
f. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd and professionally quilted
g. Mixed techniques (includes more than one technique in the same quilt, such as painting, embroidery.
h. Whole cloth, hand quilted (includes stencil)
i. Whole cloth, machine quilted (includes stencil) (self)
j. Tied

66. Wall Hangings: Outside total dimensions less than 200 inches.
a. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd, hand quilted
Fall River County Fair Quilt Categories
b. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd, machine quilted (self)
c. Hand pieced or hand appliquéd and professionally quilted
d. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd, hand quilted
e. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd, machine quilted (self)
f. Machine pieced or machine appliquéd and professionally quilted
g. Mixed techniques (includes more than one technique in the same quilt, such as painting, embroidery.
h. Whole cloth, hand quilted (includes stencil)
i. Whole cloth, machine quilted (includes stencil) (self)
j. Tied
k. Holiday Theme, Any technique

67. Table Runners: Any technique
68. Bags: Any technique
69. Miniatures: Outside total dimensions less than 100 inches and all components of the quilt must be miniature in size. Any technique may be used.

70. Child or Baby Quilts: Any size
Hand quilted
Machine quilted (self)
Professionally quilted

71. Multi Generational Quilts: Quilts started by a person in one generation and finished by a person in another generation
72. Group Quilt: Made by multiple people for example round robin
73. Miscellaneous: Any quilted articles worthy of exhibit

74. Senior: Any quilt made by a person over 75 years old

75. Youth: Any quilt made by a person under 19 years old

80. Antique Quilts: Display Only

Minnekahta Quilters Guild Awards

The 2010 Quilt Awards are presented by Minnehahta Quilters Guild to promote the craft of quilting and to honor those who excel in this craft. The Minnehahta Quilters Guild and these sponsors are offering these awards.

Minnekahta Quilters’ Guild – Hot Springs
Gift Basket awarded to winner of Best of Show

The Quilt Shop - Custer
$50 Gift Certificate awarded to the winner of Peoples Choice Award

Fall River County Fair Quilt Categories

The Sewing Center – Rapid City
$50 Gift Certificate awarded to winner of Judges Choice Award

The Quilt Connection– Rapid City
$50 Gift Certificate awarded to the winner of the Senior Award

Nuts & Bolts Fabric Shop – Edgemont
$25 Gift Certificate awarded to the winner of the 2010 Challenge “The Fair-est of them all”

The Quilt Corral– Hill City
$25 Gift Certificate awarded to the winner of the Youth Award

Heartsong Quilts – Hot Springs
$25 Gift Certificate awarded to the winner of Large Quilts
$25 Gift Certificate awarded to the winner of Small Quilts

Thimble Cottage– Rapid City
$25 Gift Certificate awarded to the winner of Wall Hangings

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Quilter's Pictures
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