Monday, June 22, 2009

June 2009 Newsletter


June 11, 2009

CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 27 members present. Marilyn introduced her guest: Linda Gallinant

MINUTES: Laurna moved to approve the minutes from the May 14, 2009 meeting, with Beth seconding the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.

TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,612.66. Income this past month was $30, and expenses were $83.48.

LIBRARIAN: Jan sent around the order forms, and flyers on new books.

HISTORIAN: There was no historian report. Helen stated that she had enough quilts to hang this next month.

PROGRAM: Bobbie passed around the survey for guild members to list their class ideas for next year’s programming.

Service Project: Joan presented charity quilt ideas from the West Paseo, Florida guild. That guild made a quilt for raffle, and then selected a group who would receive the proceeds for the raffle ticket sales. This guild would also use raffle ticket sale proceeds to fund a fine arts scholarship.

June 13 Work Day: Work will continue on the charity quilts for the State Home, and the Sheriff’s Department. Beth stated that there is lots of fabric for piecing quilt tops. Batting and backing has also been donated. Beth reminded the guild to save the bags that bedding comes in, as they make great quilt storage. Remember to bring a picture of a quilt square that matches the potluck dish you bring.

July 18 will be the Leaf Shadow Class: Bobbie passed around the sign-up sheet, saying that there was room for one more person to sign up for the class. The supply list is minimal and will be in the newsletter.


2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: The raffle quilt is currently on display at First Western Bank. It will then be displayed at the branch bank in Lynn’s. Karen has made arrangement for the quilt to be displayed at the Library Book Sale on June 26 and 27. This is concurrent with Arts in the Park. Beth passed around a sign up sheet for volunteers to work both days selling raffle tickets.

Beth also stated that the Arts in the Park organizing committee is letting community organizations display an informational poster at the entrance to the park. Beth has made a poster for the guild.

Other displays sites for the raffle quilt were discussed. The sites include: the local hospital; the county fair; Nuts & Bolts in Edgemont; the Fall Festival in Edgemont; and Sue Kortum’s quilt shop in Custer.

Caroline has raffle tickets tonight. Please pick up a pack after the meeting. Julie encouraged everyone to try to sell some tickets, as this is how we fund classes and make our annual donation to the State Home.

2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Beth showed the nine patch center, along with a partial border of the kids. The kids are due tonight. If you don’t have yours finished, get them to Beth as soon as possible. Get with Beth if you would like to help put the kids on the quilt.

Tuesday Group: No report.


Update By-Laws: The by-law revision committee of Cindy, Julie, Marilyn, Elaine and Ginny will meet on Tuesday, June 16th. If you have any input to offer on the by-law revision, please let a committee member know. The proposed revisions will be presented to the guild, at the July meeting, for discussion and approval.

Black Hills Quilt Show June 5-7: A number of guild members went to the show. Cora reported that her daughter displayed a quilt that Cora had made, and the quilt was a People’s Choice winner.


County Fair: The County Fair will be July 29 thru 31, and August 1. People are needed to set up and take down the quilt exhibit. Be thinking of what you would like to show at the Fair. Nancy has volunteered to be a drop off point for quilts that will be displayed at the fair. The different quilt categories will be listed in the fair book. Karen will bring fair books to the July meeting.

As usual, the guild will provide a gift basket and $50 for the Best in Show winner. Bring your items (fat quarters; notions; etc.) for the basket to the July meeting.

Quilts of Valor: Marilyn’s guest, Linda, spoke about the Quilts of Valor program. This is an international program found in Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. Since the beginning of the program over 21,000 quilts have been made and distributed to veterans who have served our country. More information is available at the Quilts of Valor website:


1. Let Helen know if you have a quilt to display at the State Home.

2. Laurna reported on the book bag project for the Head Start Program through DSS. The bags should be 18’’ x 22”, and close with a drawstring. If you have fabric you would like to donate for the project, Laurna has volunteered to make the bags. Or you can make the bags yourself, and give them to Laurna when completed.

3. Julie showed a sample of a pillow quilt. A resident at the State Home has a number of pillows started. If you are interested, get with Julie.

4. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is

5. Classes at Heart Song:

May 30 was the French Braid class. A number of guild members took part in this class.

July 11 will be Strips and Curves class from 9 AM until 5 PM, and will be taught by Michelle Dennis. The cost is $45.

NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be July 9 at 7 PM.

NEXT WORKDAY: July 18 Leaf Shadow Class.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 8 PM.

BLOCK DRAWING: Laurna won the block drawing and has chosen “high heels” as her theme. Laurna handed out the pattern. The blocks should be on a white background, and 12-1/2 inches square.


Caroline Standen: Gloria’ block; Calendar Quilt (UFO).

Julie Standen: Gloria’s block.

Beth Mazella: Grid round robin (UFO); 2010 raffle quilt; Gloria’s block.

Marilyn Rowley: Gloria’s block; Children blocks.

Sheryl Brost: Gloria’s block; table runner.

Nancy Cuckler: Flower block.

Bobbie Augustine: Flower block.

Cora Fugier: Snowflake block made by Judy Gifford.

Delores Hagman: Flower block; Purse.

Laurna Nelson: Flower block.

Ann Powers: Kids block.

Peg Kaan: Flower block.

Christa Auchtenberg: Flower block.

Stacy Martin: Kaleidoscope hand quilt project; Kids block.

Pat Martin: Kids block.

MJ Varick: Hand quilted project; Green card trick top.


Thursday, July 9, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.

Saturday, July 18 – Leaf Shadow Class. Bring a potluck dish to share and remember to bring a quilt pattern related to the dish you bring to share.

Supply List – Leaf Shadow Class

Paper Scissors

Fabric Scissors


Fabric for Leaves – Batiks’ tighter weave is easier for appliqué

Remember to wear clothes appropriate for working with bleach.


Border fabric

Sewing Machine

Other quilting and sewing tools

The above will only be needed if you decide to move on to sewing on the borders.

Questions? Call Bobbie at 662-5577


Use the same ruler throughout a project when you rotary cut. Not all rulers measure exactly the same.

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