Monday, July 13, 2009

July 2009 Newsletter


July 9, 2009

CALL TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Thirty-one members were present with three guests. Guests were Mary Hardy, guest of Jan Weisser; Joann Phillips, a former member; and Maci Green, granddaughter of Shirley Green.

MINUTES: Minutes of the June 11, 2009, meeting were approved.

TREASURER: The ending balance for this month is $2773.66 with income from raffle tickets of $161.00 deposited and no bills. Members were reminded that monies from ticket sales can be turned in as soon as packets are sold. Delores now has the extra raffle tickets. See her for information on Fons and Porter magazine subscriptions.

LIBRARIAN: The order list for AQS books was circulated. Jan and Julie cleaned out the library and storage cabinet. They don’t want to offend anyone who might have donated items, but we are running out of space in the library. Items are on the back table for members to take; if no one wants them tonight, they will be circular filed. Jan will try to organize books by categories.



Joan Nettinga reported on ABC Quilts. This group was founded in 1988 and has distributed over half a million quilts to at-risk babies and children. More information can be found at the website, including links to specifics for quilts.

Sue Cleland reminded everyone to continue working on the challenge quilts using the pattern from Fons and Porter. These quilts will be displayed at CITH where viewers will vote on their favorite. A Mystery wall hanging class will be held in October. She also circulated the class survey form again.

Bobbie Augustine reported that the Leaf Shadow class to be held July 18 has four openings. Those taking the class need to wear old clothes. The black fabric and Steam-a-Seam needed for the class will be available that day for $2.25 a yard.

Beth Mazzella reported on the June 13 work day. Lunch items related to quilt blocks and they had a great time making charity quilts. They used up most of the donated blocks but still have strips to use. Fifteen quilts are ready to go. Beth will invite representatives from the State Home, the Sheriff’s department, and Social Services to the August meeting for the quilt distribution. Anne Powers added that she has plastic bags donated by Pat Holwell to use to store these quilts.

The August 1 workday will be a work on your own day. It also will be the takedown day at the County Fair.

The September 12 workday will be another workday for charity quilts or a work on your own day.

RAFFLE QUILT 2009: Karen Meston reported that most people sold their own tickets during Arts in the Park, but there was $31.00 from common tickets sold. Bobbie will now take the quilt to Edgemont for display either at Nuts and Bolts quilt shop or at the bank. Julie reminded members that there is no requirement to sell raffle tickets; however, everyone is encouraged to try to sell at least one packet since this is what supports the guild’s teaching activities and the donation to the State Home.

RAFFLE QUILT 2010: Beth Mazzella displayed the finished quilt top for “Peace Together.” The quilt is king-sized (102 x 116). The backing, batting, and binding strips are ready. She also displayed the completed pillow. There are enough nine-patches left for almost a full-size top.

NEWSLETTER: no report


The By-law committee consisting of Julie Standen, Cindy Reed, Ginny Coates, Marilyn Rowley, and Elaine Anderson met on June 16 to work on updating the by-laws. A proposed revision was sent to all members via e-mail. Cindy read the by-laws and reviewed the major changes. Members discussed the changes which included the release of membership lists on the internet, free membership for State Home residents, using a Program committee of three members with one member rotating off each year as a new member is added, and clarification of the audit committee. Karen Meston moved to adopt the by-laws as presented by the by-law committee; seconded by Jan Weisser; motion passed. Cindy has a final copy ready to be signed by the president and secretary. Hard copies will be distributed at the August meeting. The original documents should be kept in the secretary’s binder.

Karen Meston reported on the Fall River County Fair, July 29-August 1. The quilts will be hung on Thursday morning, July 30. A group will be going over about 9:00 a.m. after coffee at the All-Star Grill and will hang quilts in the morning, break for lunch, and finish hanging the final quilts by 3:00 that afternoon when the judging will begin. Items must be separated by lot and by class. Quilts may be dropped off at Nancy Cuckler’s home up until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 29. Quilts delivered to the fairgrounds should be there by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday. If you send a quilt in a bag or container, be sure to put your name on that item. Be sure your entries are in the correct category and that your name and phone number are attached to the quilt. Take down will be on Saturday, August 1. If someone other than yourself will be picking up the quilt, be sure to let the committee know. Contact Karen to volunteer to hang quilts or take down quilts.

Fairbooks containing information about the various categories will be included in Tuesday’s paper. Karen will add her document to the newsletter e-mail. It will also be posted on the blog. If you have a question about the best category for your quilt, include the necessary information and the committee will be sure it gets into the best category. Prizes have been reorganized this year to better fit each category. Sally Park-Hageman makes arrangements for the quilt show judge. Elaine Anderson and Beth Mazzella have made ribbons and fabric tags for each category.


Julie discussed the addition of operating guidelines. Operating guidelines tell how we do our guild business and are needed for continuity and to decrease errors and confusion. These would include exactly what each officer does, how to do the CITH show, how to manage raffle tickets and sales, how to set up for the County Fair, and how to do all the other activities of the guild. Committee members need to write down information about what they do so that all of the information can be consolidated into one document. Contact Julie if you want to help with this project.

The guild needs some type of flyer or bookmark to give to prospective members. This could be available at the quilt shops and distributed at CITH, the County Fair, and other guild activities. Cindy suggested members collect samples during travels this summer. Anne suggested the flyer include contact information so that guild members can then invite interested people to the meetings. Anne and Brian Powers will work on this. Beth will forward the information from the sign used at the Arts in the Park booth.


1. Please let Helen know if you have quilts to hang, as we need three each month.
2. The Piecemakers Quilt Show will be held in Custer Friday, July 24, from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m.; Saturday, July 25, from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m.; and Sunday, July 26, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. The show is in the Grace Coolidge YMCA log building.
3. Guild blog/email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. The address is .
4. Sue Kortum is doing well after chemo and is back at work in the shop.
5. Anne thanked Julie and Caroline for having their family shop at the store during their family reunion. She also brought bags of arugula for members to take home. There are still a couple of openings for the Strips and Curves class to be held Saturday, July 11. On Saturday, July 25, Ronnie Carnes of Carnes Knife Sharpening will be at the shop from 1:00 until 6:00. There will also be a variety of make and take projects available that day. Julie Standen will be teaching the Log Cabin technique on Saturday, August 1. Marilyn Rowley will be teaching how to use fusible web and do blanket stitch appliqué on Sept. 19 and 26.

NEXT MEETING: Next business meeting will be August 13 at 7 pm.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

BLOCK DRAWING: Stacey Martin won the block drawing. She requested a change in the block size. She would like members to make her 4 nine-patch blocks. The squares in the blocks should start at two inches square (one and a half inches finished). She would like light colors/cream for four pieces in the nine-patch and muted/fall/autumn colors for the five pieces.


Marilyn Rowley: Placemat set, binder cover, snowman banner, stars table runner, calendar quilt (UFO), and shoe block
Sue Cleland: wall hanging
Sandy Taylor: mystery quilt (UFO)
Jan Weisser: shoe block
Sheryl Brost: shoe block
Arlene Mitchard: Underwater quilt (UFO)
Shirley Green: heart quilt (UFO)
Cora Fugier: flower block, shoe block
Ruth Angerhofer: Rosemaling quilt
Lynda Andersen: scarecrow wall hanging, banners of the month for August, September, and October, Horses for Marcus (grandson’s quilt), fall table topper
Debbie Foust: wall hanging
Helen Schillinger: flower block, shoe block
Bobbie Augustine: shoe block, crazy quilt, irish chain quilt
Beth Mazzella: shoe blocks, Mardi Gras (UFO)
Elaine Anderson: flower block
Nancy Cuckler: flower block, shoe block
Caroline Standen: Denim diaper bag
Julie Standen: table runner, girl and boy baby blankets, charity baby blanket, shoe block


Thursday, August 13, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.

Saturday, July 18 – Leaf Shadow Class. Bring a potluck dish. There will be a special trunk show by Rachel Smith right after lunch. All are invited whether they take the class or not.

Supply List – Leaf Shadow Class

Paper Scissors Fabric Scissors
Pencil Fabric for Leaves – Batiks’ tighter weave is easier for appliqué
Remember to wear clothes appropriate for working with bleach.
Border fabric
Sewing Machine
Other quilting and sewing tools
The above will only be needed if you decide to move on to sewing on the borders.
Questions? Call Bobbie at 662-5577

To keep your ruler from slipping when rotary cutting, use your fingertips – not the flat of your hand – to hold the ruler in position, and place your little finger as a stop, off the ruler, against its edge.

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