Monday, September 28, 2009

September Newsletter 09


September 10, 2009

CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 27 members present.

PRESENTATION OF CHARITY QUILTS: Beth presented the charity quilts to Randy Meyers, representing the State Home; Sheriff Jeff Terrell, from the Sheriff’s Office; and to Dena Harrod, and Jenny Disher (along with her daughters Nina and Stormy), who represented DSS. The Guild also presented Sheriff Terrell with a quilt for Megan Logue, who has bone cancer. The Guild also donated a quilt to the auction benefiting Megan, which is scheduled for October 3 at the American Legion.

MINUTES: Elaine moved to approve the minutes from the August 13, 2009 meeting and Laurna seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.

TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,832.02. Income this past month was $193, from the sale of raffle tickets, and expenses were $19.08 for making copies of the by-laws.

Delores reminded members to turn in the money from the sale of raffle tickets, and if they need more tickets, she has them. Delores also has the Fons & Porter subscriptions. The cost is $20 per subscription, with $5 of this going to the Guild.

LIBRARIAN: Jan passed around the order forms for patterns, calendars, etc. Once she has six orders, Jan will mail in the order form.

HISTORIAN: There was no historian report. Helen stated that she will need three quilts to hang next month.

PROGRAM: Laurna reported that 28 backpacks were made by Guild members and given to the Head Start program.

Service Project: Joan had no report.

October Mystery Table Runner Class: The sign up sheet for this class was sent around again. The supply list was in the August newsletter, and handed out during the August meeting. Joan will be conducting this class, and says if we come to the class with our fabrics pre-cut, we should go home with a finished top. The class will start at 9 AM. Be sure to bring a pot luck item.

UFOs: Cora reminded members that UFO’s need to be turned in at the November meeting. For every UFO not completed, bring a fat quarter to the November meeting. Meet with Cora to make sure she has marked off your completed projects from her list.

Challenge Quilt: The challenge quilts should be done by the November meeting. They will then be displayed at the quilt show during Christmas in the Hills. The “People’s Choice” award at the show will be selected from the challenge quilts.

Christmas UFO Exchange: If you have a UFO that you are not going to complete, wrap it nicely and bring to the Christmas UFO exchange. If you don’t have a UFO (ha! ha!), let a Program Committee member know, and they can probably find one for you.
September Workday: September 12 is the workday at the State Home. We will be working on charity quilts and the quilt for Bobbie.

2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: The 2009 raffle quilt is still at the Quilt Shop in Custer. Ginny said that she would pick it up, along with any money and the leftover tickets. The quilt will next be displayed at the Hospital.

2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: The 2010 raffle quilt (“Peace Together”) is now on the frame. It has been basted, and some quilting stitches have already been done. The Tuesday Morning Group is working on the quilt, and will arrange other times for those who can’t make it to the Tuesday group. The quilting design is hearts, and “tic tac toe” pattern.


Updated By-Laws: There are copies available in the library, for those who didn’t get one last month, and for new members.

Operating Guidelines: Julie, Beth and Stacey are working on this. Sue Cleland has provided information on the Program Committee, and maintaining the website. Others will be asked to provide guidelines on their duties as president, treasurer, secretary, setting up CITH , writing the newsletter, putting the quilt frame together, etc. It is hoped that a draft will be completed by the October guild meeting.
Guild Flyer: It is hoped that this will be together and ready by CITH.

Charity Quilts: Julie extends thanks to all the members who have been working on the charity quilts, donating supplies and fabrics. A special thanks to Beth who was the driving force behind this project.

Hot Springs Heritage Festival: Is September 18, 19 and 20. If you would like to display a vintage quilt at HeartSong, have them there by Thursday, September 17.

Edgemont OctoberFest: Julie has talked with Lynda Anderson regarding this event. It will be on September 26th. If you would like to display a quilt, you can drop it off at Nuts and Bolts. Karen will email a local drop off point. You must have your quilts to Nuts and Bolts by 5 PM on Friday, September 25. When the quilts are taken down, if you are not there, they will be taken to Nuts and Bolts. There is discussion on whether or not to sell tickets for the 2009 raffle quilt at this event.

Name Tags: This subject was discussed and will be suggested as a project for the 2010 Program Committee.


Christmas in the Hills: Julie asked for a volunteer to chair this quilt show. Quilts will be hung on Friday, December 4, and the show will be on Saturday, December 5. Elaine volunteered to chair, and Pat will be co-chair. Delores will contact the Mueller Center and arrange the rental of the room.

Nominating Committee: Julie asked for two volunteers to serve on the nominating committee to present a slate of officers for election at the October meeting. All officer positions are for one year. Cindy Reed and Sandy Taylor will serve on this committee. Julie reminded that we will need three individuals to serve on the Program Committee.

Veterans Day Program at State Home: Sandy reported that the State Home enjoys having quilters working in the auditorium on that day. The program is from 1 – 3 PM. Sandy stated that residents at the State Home like to buy small quilt items, so bring some, if you have them.

Quilt for Bobbie: Blocks were gathered for Bobbie’s quilt. These blocks will be assembled at the September 12 workday.


1. Let Helen know if you have a quilt to display at the State Home.

2. Gloria announced that as part of the United Churches Prayer Shawl Ministry, crochet, knitting and quilting lessons will be conducted, following the Thursday night spaghetti suppers.

3. Marilyn will be teaching a hand blanket stitch class at HeartSong on September 19 and 26.

4. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is

NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be October 8 at 7 PM.

NEXT WORKDAY: October 3; Mystery table runner class.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.

BLOCK DRAWING: Beth Mazzella won the block drawing. She handed out instructions for “bug jars”. However, she does not want bugs, just that design.


Caroline Standen: Flower block; Bobbie’s block.
Julie Standen: Flower block; Bobbie’s block.
Laurna Nelson: Flower block; wedding quilt.
Bobbie Augustine: Flower block.
Beverly Carlson: Leaf wall hanging.
Dee Watson: Bobbie’s block.
Ginny Coates: Gloria’s block; Laurna’s block.
Carolyn Terrill Small spools 30’s quilt.
Helen Schillinger: Gloria’s block; Bobbie’s block.
Gloria Korell: Flower quilt; Laura Burch throw.
Cora Fugier: Bobbie’s block; Judy’s block; Stacey’s blocks.
Judy Gifford: Bobbie’s block; Stacey’s blocks; Laurna’s block.
Deloris Hagman: Judy’s block; Bobbie’s block.
Arlene Mitchard: Op Art.
Sheryl Brost: Flower block; floating leaf wall hanging; Bobbie’s block.
Shirley Green: Bobbie’s block.
Elaine Anderson: Bobbie’s block.
Sandy Taylor: Bobbie’s block, Donation quilt.
Pat Cerney: Jacket
Beth Mazzella: Table runner.
Karen Meston: block for Bobbie.
Delores Hickman: Bobbie’s block; kindness matters wall hanging.
Marilyn Rowley: Bobbie’s block; flower block.
Sue Cleland: Bobbie’s block.
Ann Powers: Bobbie’s block.
Jan Moeller: Bobbie’s block.

Mystery Quilt Tablerunner Supply List

Fabric requirements:
½ yard of background fabric (not fat quarters, you will want the width-of-fabric)
¼ yard of Fabric A (can be a fat quarter)
1/8 yard for Fabrics B, C and D (or fat quarters)
Though you won’t need them for class, the project takes ½ yard for backing and ¼ yard for binding to finish.
Since this is a mystery project and you’re giving up foresight for adventure, I will try to give you some direction for choosing your fabrics. This project isn’t one of those “your background has to be light” quilts. I’ve seen or done it in a variety of combinations and it looks great. That said, I would suggest choosing your fabrics in this manner:
Background: can be light, dark, small scale or a focal print. Just about anything goes so pick something you like, as this is the one you see the most of in your finished project.
Fabric A: should have good contrast to your background, small scale if a print.
Fabric B: this one should be the one that has the most contrast to all your fabrics and should be a solid or tonal print as the finished pieces are small.
Fabric C: should contrast well with A, can be tonal or small to medium scale print.
Fabric D: should have good contrast to A and B, tonal or small print.
A final note on selecting your fabrics: the fun is in the mystery, it only takes 1&1/8 yards of fabric and not much of a time investment. Worry about Iraq, global warming or swine flu, but relax about choosing your fabrics!
General sewing supplies needed: rotary cutter, mat and ruler, sewing machine that works and you know how to operate, cotton thread to blend with your fabrics, fine point pencil or permanent marker, scissors.

To complete your top in class, you will need to come with the following pre-cut:
Background fabric:
Cut 2) 2.25” x 40” strips
Cut 1) 9.5” x 40” strip from which you first cut a 9.5” square. Cut the square diagonally in quarters to make four triangles. Take the remainder of the
9.5”strip and trim to 6”, and cut the following: 3) 6” x 6” squares, 4) 2.5” x 6” rectangles, 4) 2.5” x 3” rectangles and 2) 2.5” squares.
Fabric A:
Cut 6) 3” x 3” squares; Cut 8) 1.25” x 20” strips
Fabric B:
Cut 4) 1.75” x 20” strips & then cut into 32) 1.75” x 1.75” squares
Fabric C:
Cut 4) 3” x 3” squares
Fabric D:
Cut 4) 1.5” x 20” strips

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at:


Thursday, October 8, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.

Saturday, September 3 – Mystery table runner class. Don’t forget to bring a potluck dish.

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