October 8, 2009
CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 29 members present. Guests introduced were: Barbara (Helen Schillinger’s daughter) and Sandy Coates (Ginny Coates’ sister-in-law).
MINUTES: Laurna moved to approve the minutes from the September 10, 2009 meeting and Elaine seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,697.02. Income this past month was $137, from the sale of raffle tickets and Fons & Porter subscriptions. The expenses were $272, for subscriptions to Fons & Porter and room rental at the Mueller Center for CITH. Delores was able to rent the room for two days for $212. This is the same amount that was paid for rental last year.
Delores reminded members to turn in the money from the sale of raffle tickets, and if they need more tickets, she has them. Delores also has the Fons & Porter subscriptions. The cost is $20 per subscription, with $5 of this going to the Guild.
LIBRARIAN: Jan passed around the new AQS order form, with books and patterns listed. Jan reported that the $25 was received from AQS from orders placed. This $25 can be used for AQS dues, or applied to the next order from AQS. Cindy made a motion that Jan be allowed to keep the $25 as she paid the guild’s AQS dues. Beth seconded that motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
HISTORIAN: There was no historian report. Helen stated that she will need three quilts to hang next month.
PROGRAM: Service Project: Joan had no report.
October Mystery Table Runner Class: Joan reported that the class went well. While there was only a small group, everyone had fun. Those attending the class reported on the good time, and how well presented the class was.
UFOs: Cora reminded members that UFO’s need to be turned in at the November meeting. For every UFO not completed, bring a fat quarter to the November meeting. Meet with Cora to make sure she has marked off your completed projects from her list.
Challenge Quilt: The challenge quilts should be done by the November meeting. They will then be displayed at the quilt show during Christmas in the Hills. The “People’s Choice” award at the show will be selected from the challenge quilts.
Christmas UFO Exchange: If you have a UFO that you are not going to complete, wrap it nicely and bring to the Christmas UFO exchange. If you do not have a UFO, let the Program Committee know, and they will find one for you.
2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: The 2009 raffle quilt has been shown at the hospital. Members were asked if there was any other place they would like it shown, prior to it being shown and raffled at CITH. There were no suggestions, other than to show it at Heart Song. Julie will see if Ann would like to display in the shop prior to CITH.
2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: The 2010 raffle quilt (“Peace Together”) is now on the frame. It has been basted, and some quilting stitches have already been done. The Tuesday Morning Group is working on the quilt. Others are coming in on Wednesday afternoons around 4 PM to work on it. Everyone is invited.
Update By-Laws: Julie reminded guild members that there are copies of the by-laws in the guild library, for those who didn’t get a copy previously.
Operating Guidelines: Beth reported that progress is being made on this project, and she hopes to have a draft ready by the November meeting. There are still several reports that Beth is waiting on and she has spoken to those individuals.
Guild Flyer: It is hoped that this will be together and ready by CITH.
Charity Quilts: Julie asked the members if charity quilts should be worked on at the November work day. Beth suggested that we take a hiatus from the charity quilts, and work on our own projects during the November work day. All agreed that this was a good idea.
Edgemont OctoberFest: Julie asked about the quilt show at the Octoberfest. A number of guild members displayed quilts, with Jan and Judy both placing in the show. Judy got first overall in the show. It was reported that the show was very nice and appeared to be bigger than the one at the County Fair.
Christmas in the Hills: Elaine asked that members be thinking about what quilts they will be showing, as this will give her an idea of how to use the space. Be prepared to let Elaine know at the November meeting.
Delores has made arrangements to rent the room at the Mueller Center for two days. Specifics on set-up and take down schedule will be discussed at the November meeting.
Veterans Day Program at State Home: This program is from 1 PM to 3 PM on Wednesday, November 11. Bring some quilt projects to work on, and if you have any little quilted/handcrafted items to sell, bring those also.
Quilt for Bobbie: Julie thanked all for their great blocks, and those who helped assemble the quilt. It has been delivered to Bobbie. Also, a big thank you was extended to Heart Song for donating the sashing and border fabrics. Bobbie showed the quilt tonight, and thanked all those who helped with it. (Editor’s note: Bobbie asked that the following be included in this newsletter.
"Words can't tell how blessed I feel by the wonderful quilt you made for me. Each time I use it to snuggle in I am reminded of the treasured friends I have."
"I'm doing well and am working hard for a full recovery. Thank you again, Bobbie Augustine")
Nomination of New Officers: Sandy and Cindy presented the following slate of officers for the guilds consideration:
President: Elaine Anderson
Vice President: Ginny Coates
Secretary: Caroline Standen
Treasurer: Delores Hickman
Librarian: Carolyn Terrill
Historian: Helen Schillinger
Program: Cora Fugier (1 Year)
Beth Mazella (2 Year)
Joan Nettinga (3 Year)
There were no further nominations from the floor. Deloris Hagman made a motion to accept this slate of offices, and Sheryl Brost seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Christmas tree at State Home: The guild will decorate that State Home Christmas tree after the November 12 meeting. We have plenty of decorations, and Joan will donate a tree skirt.
1. Let Helen know if you have a quilt to display at the State Home.
2. Julie read a note from Pat Coffield thanking the guild for donating a quilt to the auction for Meghan Logue.
3. Beth announced that the Cheyenne River Afternoon Painters group will be decorating Christmas trees at the Hot Springs Library and the Edgemont Library. They are asking local artists to decorate a palette ornament that represents their artistic area of expertise. Beth handed out the palettes, and they need to be returned to Beth at the November meeting.
3. There will be two Passionate Quilters Retreat at Outlaw Ranch in November. They are scheduled for the weekends of November 13 -15 and November 20 – 22. Julie sent around flyers/registrations forms for those who are interested.
4. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is http://minnekahtaquiltguild.blogspot.com.
5. Deloris Hagman complimented HeartSong on how nice their store front looks, with the addition of the quilt blocks. It makes it very distinctive and easy to find.
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be November 12 at 7 PM.
NEXT WORKDAY: November 7. Work on your own. Don’t forget a potluck dish.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
BLOCK DRAWING: Sheryl Brost won the block drawing. Her chosen theme is baskets. The basket can be any shape, with or without handles, and with or without anything in it. The background should be off-white or cream, and the block is 12-1/2 inches square.
Caroline Standen: Mystery table runner; leaf wall hanging; bug jar; and hand blanket stitch blocks.
Julie Standen: Leaf shadow wall hanging; challenge wall hanging and table runner; bug jar.
Laurna Nelson: Bug jar; leaf shadow wall hanging.
Helen Schillinger: Bug jar.
Arlene Mitchard: Table runner.
Stacy Martin: Queen quilt.
Pat Martin: Wall hanging.
Carolyn Terrill: Leaf shadow wall hanging.
Deloris Hagman: Bug jar.
Judy Gifford: Mystery quilt; bug jar.
Cora Fugier: Fall harvest UFO; bug jar; mystery table runner.
Pearl Resinger: Mountain Majesty UFO.
Sheryl Brost: Bug jar; Fall quilt.
Sandy Taylor: Bug jar.
Jan Weisser: Bug jar; flower block.
Elaine Anderson: 2 bug jars; mystery table runner.
Marilyn Rowley: Bug jar; Christmas stockings; appliqué block.
Cindy Reed: 2 bug jars.
Joan Nettinga: Grandma Lucy’s Dresden plate; Christa’s folio.
Thursday, November 12, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.
Saturday, November 7 – Work on your own project. As always, please remember to bring a potluck dish to share.
When rotary cutting strips of the same width, put masking tape on the underside of your ruler at the cutting line. The masking tape will give a slightly raised edge to butt up to the cut fabric edge.
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