November 12, 2009
CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 30 members present. Guests introduced were: Sherry Nusbaum and Ollie Williams.
MINUTES: Laurna moved to approve the minutes from the October 8, 2009 meeting and Deloris seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,880.02. Income this past month was $183, from the sale of raffle tickets. There were no expenses.
LIBRARIAN: Jan passed around the new AQS order form, with books and patterns listed. She has two books on the order, but needs six orders to get the special discount. Jan asked that all books, patterns, etc. be returned to the library by the December meeting. This will allow for the new librarian (Carolyn Terrill) to become familiar with what is in the library.
HISTORIAN: There was no historian report. Helen stated that she will need three quilts to hang next month.
PROGRAM: Service Project: Joan had no report. But she did ask that the program committee meet after tonight’s guild meeting, to begin planning for the Christmas party.
UFOs: Cora reminded members that all UFO’s needed to be completed by tonight’s meeting. Cora needs a fat quarter for each UFO that was not completed. Get with Cora after the meeting to take care of this.
Challenge Quilt: The challenge quilts should be done and ready to put in the quilt show at CITH. They will be voted on for the “Peoples’ Choice” award. The winner will receive a ribbon, and a gift from Heart Song Quilts.
Christmas UFO Exchange: If you have a UFO that you are not going to complete, wrap it nicely and bring to the Christmas UFO exchange. If you do not have a UFO, let the Program Committee know, and they will find one for you.
2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: The 2009 raffle quilt is in Karen’s care. She will be displaying it and selling tickets for it at the Passionate Quilters Retreat this weekend.
2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: The 2010 raffle quilt (“Peace Together”) is continuing to be quilted. It is located on the stage in the auditorium at the State Home. Everyone is invited to help with the quilting.
Operating Guidelines: Stacey reported that these are almost done, and should be ready by the December meeting.
Guild Flyer: Joan passed around a draft of the flyer. She stated that she would like to place the guild president’s name and phone number in the flyer, as the contact person for those interested in information on the guild. Joan stated that there would be guild information to hand out at CITH.
Christmas in the Hills: The show will be set up on Friday, December 4, starting at 9 AM. If you are not able to take your quilts to the Mueller Center at that time, they can be dropped off at Heart Song until the evening of December 3. Elaine sent around a sign-up sheet for those who can work the show on December 5, and a sign-up sheet for what you plan to show. Members are also asked to sign-up to help put up the show and to take it down. The form that needs to be filled out to go with the quilts that are going to be shown was passed around and will also be in the newsletter. Be sure to complete one for each quilt you are showing. Do not fill one out for the challenge quilt, but be sure you have a label on the back of that quilt.
Christmas tree at the State Home: Julie reminds everyone to stay after tonight’s meeting to help decorate the State Home Christmas tree.
Christmas Ornaments for the Libraries: These are to be turned in tonight. Karen will be gathering these up after show and tell.
Annual Budget Meeting: The annual budget meeting will be held on December 5, 2009 at 2 PM, at the Mueller Center (in the small room behind the quilt show room). All outgoing and incoming officers and program chairs are asked to attend. Between now and then, be thinking of your funding needs for 2010. All members are welcome to attend this meeting. Delores is asked to complete the 2009 budget to date and bring 15 to 20 copies to the meeting. Also, at this meeting, we will be making a decision on how much we can donate to State Home.
Audit Committee: The books need to be audited before the new year starts. Julie asked for two volunteers. Marilyn Varick and Laurna Nelson volunteered.
1. Let Helen know if you have a quilt to display at the State Home.
2. Sandy thanked all those who were at the State Home during the Veterans Day program.
3. Nancy Cuckler read a poem about quilting and quilters that she found in a magazine.
4. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is http://minnekahtaquiltguild.blogspot.com.
5. Ginny Coates reported on the Des Moines, IA quilt show that she was able to attend. She said it was very fun, and that she saw Joan Davis’ quilt that was on display. She also spoke of the “Little Princess” quilter from South Dakota. There were quilts an display from almost every state, as well as China, Australia, and Canada.
6. Karen reminded everyone of the Journey of Lights Parade and the decorating contest being held during CITH. If interested, Karen has more information and the applications for both.
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be December10 at 7 PM.
NEXT WORKDAY: December 5 – CITH show and budget meeting.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
BLOCK DRAWING: Julie Standen won the block drawing. She has chosen a green and off white background theme. The blocks can be any design and are to be 12/1/2” square.
Caroline Standen: Two Christmas wall hangings; basket block; paint pallet.
Julie Standen: Christmas table runner; basket block; paint pallet.
Ann Powers: Crazy for color (strips & curves); bird of paradise wall hanging; Jesse’s Quilt.
Sherry Nusbaum: Very beginner’s quilt.
Laurna Nelson: Six purses; two paint pallets; basket block.
Nancy Cuckler: Two cross stitch quilted baby blankets.
Stacey Martin: Blocks
Sheryl Brost: Turkey wall hanging; UFO.
Helen Schillinger: Storm at sea quilt; basket block.
Sandy Taylor: Basket block.
Carolyn Terrill: Two Christmas ornaments.
Deloris Hagman: UFO quilt; challenge quilt.
Cora Fugier: UFO; six placemats to match Geisha table runner.
Judy Gifford: Challenge quilt; fall table topper; horse table topper.
Jan Weisser: Star quilt; challenge quilt; Sue’s challenge quilt.
Margaret Bartolome: Christmas stockings.
Ruth Angerhofer: Winter quilt; pumpkin table topper.
Elaine Anderson: Two challenge quilts; Sheryl’s block.
Pat Cerney: Baby quilt; table runner.
Marilyn Rowley: Sheryl’s basket block; quilted palette
Beth Mazzella: Yoyo palette
Ollie Williams: Queen size quilt “Desert Sky” – “my first quilt!”
Pearl Resinger: Bird house quilt; basket blocks.
Ginny Coates: Christmas quilt; pink baby quilt; purse; basket block; nine patch block.
Peggy Kaan: Black & red heart; pink heart; plaid heart; hydrangea quilt; cardinal table topper; card holder.
Delores Hickman: Leaf shadow table runner; rag quilt.
Saturday, December 5, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. – Christmas in the Hills Quilt Show.
Thursday, December 10, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting. Christmas party. Don’t forget your UFO.
To add sparkle to dull fabric combinations, try adding a bright color, a large print, a fabric with a tiny white print on a darker background, or replace one of your fabrics with a stripe or a check.
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