Thursday, January 28, 2010

January Newsletter


January 14, 2010

CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Elaine Anderson called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 30 members present. Guests introduced were: Rose & Stormy Morrison, Mary Sue Waxler, and Ellen Shores.

MINUTES: Nancy moved to approve the minutes from the December 10, 2009 meeting and Marilyn R. seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.

STATE HOME PRESENTATION: On behalf of the guild, Elaine presented $800 to State Home Director, Randy Meyers. Elaine thanked the State Home for the use of their space. Randy informed the guild how much the residents enjoy seeing the quilts that we hang each month. The money received from donations is used for “quality of life” activities (trips; outings; etc) for the residents.

TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $4,125.80. Income this past month was $105 from 2010 dues (7 memberships). Expenses were $4.77 to the Hot Springs Star, $101.74 for Christmas Party, and $15 for Fons & Porter subscriptions. Karen moved to accept the treasurer’s report as read, and Beth seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.

LIBRARIAN: Carolyn, our new librarian, passed around the order blanks for new books. She also reported on a new book (Birds & Roses) which is being placed in the library. This was a free gift from AQS.

HISTORIAN: Helen said she could use some pictures from the CITH’s quilt show, if anyone has some. She would also take any historical items of interest.

2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Good progress continues to be made on the 2010 raffle quilt (“Peace Together”). Everyone is encouraged to give hand quilting a try.

Audit: Marilyn Varick and Laurna Nelson completed the audit of the books. Marilyn reports that Delores is doing a stellar job.

Newsletter: If you are not receiving the newsletter, either by email or regular mail, get with Karen to correct this.

Brochures/Flyers: The guild brochures have been completed by Joan and Annie. They will be at Heart Song Quilts.

2010 Program: The program committee members (Joan, Beth, and Cora) presented 2010 program goals.

Done Deals: This will combine show and tell, UFO’s and the block exchange. Each completed item (regardless of size or whether it is a UFO and block for the block exchange) will entitle the quilters name to be entered in the year end gift giving. There will not be fat quarters handed out for UFO’s completed, rather names will be drawn for bigger ticket items (an ott light was shown as an example). Program committee advises everyone to read the guild minutes to make sure their “Done Deal” items are listed, as that is how program will determine the entries.

Block of the Month: BOM will continue, starting in February. The person whose name is drawn will be able to choose the theme, the colors, and the size of their block. Between now and the February meeting, members are asked to decide whether or not they want to participate in the BOM drawing. If you decide to participate, you will be required to make a block each month for the entire year. If you have not made a decision by February as to whether or not you wish to participate, you can join at any time. But once you have committed to participate; you are obligated to continue for the entire year.

At the February meeting, a calendar of events will be handed out to each member. This calendar will include the scheduled work days, as well as the monthly business meetings. Please remember that workdays are pot luck. Projects for the work days will be announced at the guild meeting prior to the work day.

There will be a 15 – 20 minute program at each monthly guild meeting. This will encourage fellowship among the members. The first program will be presented in February by Cora, and her topic is thread.


2010 Budget: Elaine asked if there were any questions pertaining to the 2010 guild budget that was handed out to members during the December meeting. Joan moved to accept the 2010 budget as presented, and Pat seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Passed unanimously.

Operating Guidelines: Beth and Stacy have completed the operating guidelines, which were given to the guild president this meeting. Beth did state that there were two more section to be added: Sandy will write up how to put the quilt on the frame, and Beth will prepare a write up on hanging quilts monthly. All officers are asked to read and review the final copy. Elaine thanked both Beth and Stacy for their work on the operating guidelines.

Storage Room: Elaine has met with Randy Meyers regarding the possible provision of a storage space for the guild at the State Home. Elaine reported that Randy said there is a 12 foot square room in building 4, which the guild could share with the Elks, who are already using it for storage. Pat S. moved that the guild accept the use of this storage room with the Elks, and Julie seconded the motion. No discussion. Passed unanimously.


There was no new business.


1. Dues are $15 for the year, and are due now. The official membership list will be published in March.

2. Helen wills no longer being hanging the quilts each month. There was discussion that a guild member had volunteered to take over this activity, but no one seemed to remember who that volunteer was. So, if you were the one that volunteered or would like to volunteer for this activity please let Elaine know.

3. The Badland Quilters weekend get away is scheduled for March, 5, 6, and 7. If interested, Elaine has the details.

4. If you are aware of any free pattern websites, please let Karen know and she will publish those in the monthly newsletter.

5. HeartSong Quilt: The 2nd Saturday strip club has started. The Block of the Month (It’s a Dollies Life) club will begin on January 16. Finish up Fridays will be the last Friday of each month, starting in January. The Gift Givers Craft Club is being held the 3rd Tuesday of each month. There will be a beginning machine quilting class starting in February. Julie and Annie will be teaching that class. Members are invited to participate in any and all of these activities.

6. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is

NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be February 11, 2010, at 7 PM.

NEXT WORKDAY: February 6 will be the next work day. This will be a quilt on your own day, or work on charity quilts. Don’t forget to bring a potluck item.

ADJOURN: Cora moved that the meeting adjourn, and Dee seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.


Delores Hickman: Julies block; Christmas wall hanging.
Julie Standen: Christmas stocking; Christmas table runner; Charm square table runner; Karen’s bird block.
Sherry Nusbaum: Julie’s block.
Marilyn Rawley: 2 blocks for Julie; Bird block; Christmas strip mine; Thimbleberries table runner; and Snowman wall hanging.
Shirley Green: Karen’s bird block; 2 charm blocks for Julie; and Christmas bag.
Pat Cerney: Julie’s block; Table cloth.
Karen Meston: Julie’s green block.
Ann Powers: Julie’s block; Sleepover bag; Dollies Life Block; Strip Club Block-Some Like it Hot; Whoopsy Daisy quilt; Yoyo boy and elephant.
Brian Powers: Morris Collection Blended Quilt.
Judy Gifford: Karen’s bird block.
Cora Fugier: Karen’s bird block.
Deloris Hagman: Karen’s bird block.
Ruth Angerhofer: Holiday Sparkle Quilt Block.
Lynda Anderson: Uncle Sam table runner; Harvest blessing wall hanging; and BQ2 quilt for husband.
Carolyn Terrill: Julie’s block; and Bird block.
Helen Schillinger; Vienna Rose quilt; Julie’s block.
Beth Mazella: Blocks; and 3 Dimensional top.
Pearl Risinger: 2 bird blocks.
Joan Nettinga: 2 blocks for Julie.
Elaine Anderson: Julie’s block; Karen’s block; and Frosted Window Pane.
Caroline Standen: Karen’s block; Hand blanket stitch wall hanging; Heart and Home wall hanging; and Bubbles wall hanging.
Sheryl Brost: Bird block; and Julie’s block.
Bobbie Augustine: Bird block; and Julie’s block.


Saturday, February 6, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. – Quilt on your own or work on Charity Quilts. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share.

Thursday, February 11, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.

Tips: Use three pins for lining up seams. Place one pin exactly where the seams should match, one to the left, and one to the right. Then remove the center pin. Sew to each pin, remove it, and sew on. Check the pins you are using – replace them if needed with much finer pins. Using thinner pins and the three-pin method vastly improves the ability to match seams accurately.
Also, remember to press the seams in opposite directions and the seams will nestle together, creating a perfect match

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