February 11, 2010
CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Elaine Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. There were 26 members present. Three new members were introduced: Audrey Pittman; Marcia Jackson; and Mary Sue Waxler.
MINUTES: Laurna moved to approve the minutes from the January 14, 2010 meeting and Pat C. seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $3,690.80. Income this past month was $390 from 2010 dues (26 memberships). Expenses were: $800 to the State Veterans’ Home; $5 membership dues refund to Gloria Korrell; and $20 for SD Quilt Guild dues. Joan moved to accept the treasurer’s report as read, and Judy seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
LIBRARIAN: Carolyn passed around the new AQ magazine and order information. There are quilt magazines on the table for give away. There are a couple newly donated quilt books that will be put in the library and may be checked out.
HISTORIAN: Helen will accept any pictures or memorabilia.
PROGRAM: Block of the Month: The block of the month will continue this year. If you choose to participate, you are expected to make a block each month. Those who choose not to participate are welcome to make a block, but are not eligible to win.
Name Tags: The program committee will provide instructions for making name tags prior to the March work day. On the March work day, those attending can make their name tag. Otherwise, make them at home. They will be a bag style, with your name on the flap. The program committee will provide the name fabric and the neck cord. Each member will need to provide a quarter of a yard of fabric of their choice for the bag. The mammoth will be used as the logo. A sample of the name bag was passed around, along with two examples of mammoth pins. Let Laurna know which pin style you would like. She will purchase these and each member will need to reimburse her for that purchase. The name tags are to be worn at each guild meeting, and if a member forgets to wear her/his name tag, there will be a jar in which you will have to pay a fine of a quarter.
National Quilting Day: National Quilting Day is March 20. The State Home auditorium will be available to guild members on that day. The program committee will be offering a basic beginner’s quilt class on that date. An invitation will be in the newspaper and more information will be at the next guild meeting and at HeartSong.
Calendar of Events: Beth provided a handout of quilt events for 2010. Please make note of the dates for the following: National Quilting Day; the Chadron Quilt Show; the BH Quilt Show; the County Fair; and the 125th Anniversary of the State Fair.
County Fair Challenge Quilt: Beth announced that there will be a challenge quilt event in conjunction with the Fall River County Fair. She provided a handout with some of specifics of this challenge quilt: size is 84 inches to 120 inches in perimeter; any medium but must meet the definition of “quilt” – Division V, Class G; and must be completed and hung at the County Fair on August 5, 2010. The challenge quilt must pertain to the theme of the fair which is yet to be determined.
2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Good progress continues to be made on the 2010 raffle quilt (“Peace Together”). Everyone is encouraged to give hand quilting a try. The 9 AM Tuesday morning group is working on this. There is usually a small group that meets Wednesday afternoons at 4 PM to quilt. Let Sandy or Karen know if you are planning on coming on Wednesday afternoon.
Storage Room: Elaine has the key for the guild storage room at the State Home. If you are storing guild property and would like to have it put in the storage room, please make arrangements with Elaine.
2011 Raffle Quilt: Elaine asked for a volunteer/volunteers to chair the 2011 raffle quilt and ideas for that quilt. The program committee announced that they would coordinate work days in April, May and June to work on the 2011 raffle quilt. Cindy spoke to the duties and responsibilities of the chair and encouraged members to volunteer for this. The chair decides the theme/design, colors, quilting method, etc. and the members carry out this decision. Nancy reminded members of the blocks she had donated to guild some time ago, and suggested that these might be used in the 2011 raffle quilt. After some discussion the program committee (Beth, Joan, Laurna and Cora) volunteered to chair the 2011 raffle quilt.
Volunteer to hang quilts: Elaine asked for a volunteer to coordinate hanging quilts at the State Home. Beth made a motion that the guild vice-president have the responsibility of coordinating hanging quilts each month at the State Home. Cindy seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
Summer Programs: Elaine reported that Sheryl had been approached about the guild doing something during the Main Street Arts and Craft Fair on June 25, 26 and 27. Members are asked to think about whether or not we would like to participate. Beth reported that there had been some discussion that quilts be displayed as part of the HS Arts Committee Garden Walk on June 19. There will be more details and discussion of both topics at our March meeting. Come prepared with ideas for discussion.
1. Let Ginny know if you have quilts to hang. We need three each month.
2. Karen provided information on Joan Davis’ (Quilt Corral) Helping Haiti Quilts. Karen has three kits if any members are interested in participating. The kits include the pattern and the fabric for the top and backing. You will need to provide the bat and the quilting.
3. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is http://minnekahtaquiltguild.blogspot.com. Dee Watson updates the blog each month.
4. Elaine read a thank you note received from the State Home for the donation the guild made.
5. Dues are $15 and are due by the March business meeting.
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be March 11, 2010, at 7 PM.
NEXT WORKDAY: March 6 will be the next work day. We will be making our name tags, and working on charity quilts. Don’t forget to bring a potluck item.
ADJOURN: Karen moved that the meeting adjourn, and Beth seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8 PM.
BLOCK DRAWING: Caroline won the block drawing. She has selected a sampler block theme, and fall colors with any color background except white. Block size is 10-1/2 inches unfinished (10 inches finished).
PRESENTATION: Cora presented a program on selecting threads for your quilting projects, and how to set the thread up in your machines.
Karen Meston: Basket block for Sheryl; Charm block for Julie.
Julie Standen: Seven baby quilts.
Marilyn Rowley: Strip club top; fall sampler top.
Pat Cerney: One wall hanger; sample dress; sample of texture magic.
Beth Mazzella: Mint chocolate chip wall hanging.
Laurna Nelson: Two blocks for Julie; block for Karen Meston; snow girl wall hanging; valentine wall hanging; shoe block.
Cora Fugier: Long arm quilt; Rachel’s Star of David; two heart blocks.
Judy Gifford: Carl’s finished star quilt; Casey’s finished star quilt; two blocks for Julie; one barn quilt block; six quilts on barn block (log cabin; milky way; churn dash; square in square; spinning spools; and wild goose chase).
Debbie Foust: Pillow, wall hanging; two rag quilts.
Carolyn Terrill: Christmas table runner.
Mary Sue Waxler: Three throw pillows.
Peggy Kaan: Karen’s birdhouse block.
Delores Hickman: Sheryl’s basket block; Valentine wall hanging.
Saturday, March 6, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. – Name tags, quilt on your own or work on Charity Quilts. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share.
Thursday, March 11, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.
Saturday, March 20, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. – National Quilting Day - Beginning quilt class, quilt on your own or work on Charity Quilts. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share.
Tips: To add sparkle to dull fabric combinations, try adding a bright color, a large print, a fabric with a tiny white print on a darker background, or replace one of your fabrics with a stripe or a check.
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