Sunday, December 21, 2008

Volume 11 Issue 12 December, 2008
Minnekahta Quilter
2008 Officers
President: Julie Standen
Vice- Pres: Marilyn Varick
Secretary: Marilyn Rowley
Treasurer: Delores Hickman
Librarian: Jan Weisser
Historian: Helen Schillinger
Program:, Christa Achtenburg

CALL TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Thirty-two members were present with five guests, Dee Watson’s brother, mother, and son; Diana Stroh; and Donna Campbell.

MINUTES: Minutes of the November 13, 2008, meeting were approved.

TREASURER: The ending balance for this month is $2550.99. Income deposited included $1145.00 from CITH raffle tickets, $20.00 in dues, and $40.00 for Fons and Porter renewals. Expenses included $110.00 to Cora Fugier for 2009 class patterns (which will be reimbursed as members purchase patterns), $10.00 to Fons and Porter for renewals, and $398.50 to Heartsong Quilts for program and December fabric.

LIBRARIAN: no report

HISTORIAN: no report

2008 PROGRAM: Christa had no report. Julie and members thanked her for her work on the program. The Christmas Quilt Block drawing will be tonight, followed by the Christmas party.


1. Bobbie thanked Sue Cleland and the rest of the committee for their work in putting together the program. Information on various service projects will be presented monthly. The “Strip Mine” class will be held in January. Other classes and special events will include a challenge quilt, the Leaf Shadow quilt, French Braid, a shopping trip, and a mystery table runner. The UFO challenge will continue, with signup being from January – March. There will also be a UFO exchange in December. Block of the Month drawings will focus on making specific blocks for members whose names have been drawn. More information is available in the handout, which will also be sent out electronically.
2. Cora has patterns available tonight for those members who signed up for the “Strip Mine” class which will be held January 10. The cost is $5.00; members should pay Delores.
3. Joan distributed copies of the program schedule which included dates and information about the classes and special events. She will also share information each month about various service projects. Some guilds make ornaments or stockings to be given away. Another holds an auction at the December meeting with the monies raised going to charity.


NEWSLETTER: Karen brought up a question that currently when the newsletter is sent via e-mail, all members’ addresses are available to anyone who receives the newsletter. If this is a problem, members could ask that addresses be listed in the BCC section instead. Members could also contact shops to request that information not be sent to them. This will be discussed further at a later meeting.
2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: The quilt is at Julie’s home. Decisions about where to display it will be discussed in the spring.
Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. The address is .
Tuesday Group: The group is still meeting each Tuesday morning at the State Home. They will take down the Christmas tree sometime after Christmas. Julie thanked them for doing this.


The signature quilt has a permanent home at the Mueller Center in the conference room. Hanging equipment has been taken to the MC, where the MC staff and Chamber are very pleased to have it. The Arts Council is also pleased as this will be a “permanent quilt show.” Beth thanked the group for all of the work done on the signature quilt.
Bobbie presented information about the CITH quilt show. The show went well. She thanked everyone who helped, especially the men. Sixty-five quilted pieces were displayed. Ken Martin won the quilt; his wife picked it up later at the Hot Springs Star office where a photo was taken of Christa presenting the quilt. Prior to the show, $988 dollars in tickets had been sold, with $262 sold at the show, for a total of $1250 on the 2008 raffle quilt. Members thanked Bobbie for all of her work done on the show.


A card from Linda Vossberg was read, thanking members for the Sunbonnet Sue blocks. Her new address is 718 Surrey Lane, Maize, Kansas.
The budget meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 6 with incoming and outgoing officers in attendance. Delores distributed copies of the proposed budget for members to study. The budget will be voted on at the January meeting.
Budget goals include keeping about $2000 in reserve and maintaining the State Home donation. However, the amount we carry forward each year has been decreasing. The 2009 budget shows us dipping into this reserve. Due to this, the proposed budget shows a decrease in the program budget, an increase in dues, and some other changes.
Changing the “December Fabric” line item to “December Project” would allow the guild to do something different rather than giving ourselves fabric. The guild would then decide how to spend this money on a yearly basis. Pat moved that “December Fabric” be changed to “December Project.” Cindy seconded. Motion passed.
Another proposed change was a dues increase. According to the By-laws last modified in 1999, dues are $10.00 a year. Dues have not increased since the guild was first formed in 1990-1991. Cindy moved that the by-laws be amended to increase yearly dues to $15.00. Pat seconded. Discussion included the need to sell more raffle quilt tickets. Our current dues are much lower than many other guilds. Most use dues to fund operating expenses and raffles to supply additional incomes; MQG has operated in the opposite fashion. The need to update by-laws was discussed; this will be done sometime this coming summer. The motion passed. 2009 dues will be $15.00.
Pat moved that we donate $750 to the State Home. The State Home provides us with a meeting space, storage space, etc. Joan seconded. Motion passed. The donation will be presented at the January meeting.


1. Please let Helen know if you have quilts to hang, as we need three each month. She needs one more quilt for January.
2. The Minnekahta Quilters Guild website can be accessed at .
3. Marilyn Varick’s mother passed away.
4. Julie wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

NEXT MEETING: The next business meeting will be January 8 at 7 pm.

NEXT WORKDAY: The “Strip Mine” class will be held on Saturday, January 10 at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be potluck.

BLOCK DRAWING: The Christmas blocks were won by Ginny Coates.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Ann Powers: Christmas block
Sheryl Brost: Christmas block
Caroline Standen: Christmas block
Carolyn Terrill: Christmas block, Flannel Christmas Throw
Laurna Nelson: Christmas block, Ragtime Quilt, baby quilt
Cindy Reed: Block for Linda Vossberg: Sunbonnet Sue Goes Rabbit Hunting
Dorothy Denison: Four Christmas blocks
Cora Fugier: Sunset Star quilt for daughter
Ginny Coates: Christmas block
Jan Weisser: place mats
Sandy Taylor: Christmas block
Shirley Green: table topper and two pot holders
Ruth Angerhofer: Christmas block, Rosemaling block
Lynda Andersen: Make Your Move (UFO), Santa HO HO HO wall hanging
Karen Meston: Two Christmas blocks, Flannel Brick Road lap quilt
Elaine Anderson: Christmas block. Block of the Quarter #2
Bobbie Augustine: Christmas block, Make Your Move quilt
Beth Mazzella: Christmas block, “Mardi Gras”, Christmas Braid table runner
Marilyn Rowley: Christmas block
Christa Achtenberg: Christmas block, Block of the Quarter 2008 quilt
Julie Standen: Christmas block

Following show and tell, members enjoyed Christmas goodies, the fabric give-away, and a chance to win additional fat quarters or quilting-related items based on items found in your purse. Who knew you could get such entertainment for such a cheap price!


Saturday, Jan. 10– The “Strip Mine” class will be held starting at 9:00 am. As always, remember to bring a potluck dish to share.

Thursday, January 8, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting.

Whenever possible, cut patches with the edges aligned with the grain of the fabric. The stretchiness of bias makes it difficult to keep the pieces true to shape.

Minnekahta Quilters’ Guild Program 2009
As of 12/11/08

*Dates different than normal 1st Saturday

*January 10 – Work Day: Strip Mine class by Cora Fugier
January 8 – Guild Meeting: Open House; Service project presentation; UFO sign-up; Block drawing

February 7 – Work Day: Work on own projects at State Home
February 12 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; UFO sign-up; Block drawing and blocks
due from January

March 7 – Work Day: Class on paper piecing blocks coordinated by Bobbie Augustine
March 12 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; UFO contracts due; Block drawing and blocks due from February; Challenge quilt introduction by Cora Fugier

April 4 – Work Day: Challenge quilt class by Cora Fugier
April 9 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; 2010 Class/Teacher questionnaire; Block drawing and blocks due from March

May 2 – Work Day: French Braid Class by Michelle Dennis
May 14 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; Block drawing and blocks due from April

*June 13 – Work Day: Work on own projects at State Home; Pot luck is from quilt block names
June 11 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; Block drawing and blocks due from May

*July 18 – Work Day: Leaf Shadows using bleach class by Rebecca Smith
July 9 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; Block drawing and blocks due from June

August 1 – Work Day: Work on own projects at State Home
August 13 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; Block drawing and blocks due from July

*September 12 – Work Day: Quilt store shopping trip
September 10 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation; Block drawing and blocks due from Aug.

October 3 – Work Day: Mystery tablerunner class by Joan Nettinga
October 8 – Guild Meeting: Service project presentation: Block drawing and blocks due from Sept.

November 7 – Work Day: Work on own projects at State Home
November 12 – Guild Meeting: Choose service project for 2010; UFO projects due or hand in fat quarter; Block drawing and blocks due from Oct.

December 5 – Christmas in the Hills Quilt Show: Bring challenge quilts to show for judging
December 10 – Guild Meeting: UFO gift exchange; Christmas party; Block drawing and blocks due from Nov.

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