Monday, December 28, 2009

December Newsletter


December 10, 2009

CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Julie Standen called the meeting to order at 7 PM. There were 26 members present.

MINUTES: Laurna moved to approve the minutes from the November 12, 2009 meeting and Marilyn R. seconded the motion. No discussion. Unanimous approval.

TREASURER: Delores presented the financial report. The current balance is $4,142.32. Income this past month was $1,278 from the sale of raffle tickets, $35 from member dues, and $20 from Fons & Porter subscriptions. Expenses were $2.33 to High Plains, $27 for purchase of a cash box, and $41.38 in miscellaneous expenses.

LIBRARIAN: Jan passed around the new AQS order form, explaining that if we have a purchase of six items, we get the best price. The American Quilter magazine was passed around. Beth donated the book, “Uncoverings” to the library. Beth stated that this book puts a scholarly emphasis on quilting.

HISTORIAN: There was no historian report.


Info on 2010 Program: This will be presented at the January guild meeting. The block of the month project will continue into the next year. More details to follow.

2009 CITH Raffle Quilt: We made a total of $1989 on the sale of raffle tickets for the 2009 quilt. Ticket sales at CITH were $343, with pre-CITH ticket sales at $1646. Guild members were thanked for their hard work in the sale of tickets. The winner of 2009 raffle quilt was Denny Bowker, shop foreman at the Feedlot.

2010 CITH Raffle Quilt: Good progress is being made on the 2010 raffle quilt (“Peace Together”). All are invited to continue helping with the quilting.


Operating Guidelines: Beth and Stacey have the first draft of the operating guidelines completed. Information is still needed on raffle ticket sales and the newsletter. Cindy and Karen, respectively, will get this information to Beth or Stacey.

Guild Flyer: Thank you to Joan and Annie. The flyer was completed and available at CITH. As more copies are needed, contact Joan for printing. Joan will email Beth a copy of the flyer to attach to the Operating Guidelines.

Christmas in the Hills: Elaine reported that the show went well. The set up and take down of the show went smoothly. There were a total of 71 quilts shown, including 8 challenge quilts. The show appeared to be well attended, and something that CITH attendees look forward to each year. The Rapid City Journal ran a small article on the show in the Sunday newspaper, featuring a picture of Elaine. Elaine thanked everyone for helping with the show.

People’s Choice Winner: Cora reported that the 8 challenge quilts that were displayed, were voted on by the public. The winner was Judy Gifford. HeartSong Quilts donated a $50 gift certificate as the prize. Congratulations to Judy, and thank you to HeartSong Quilts for the prize donation.

Christmas tree at the State Home: Julie asked the Tuesday Group if they would be available to take the ornaments off the tree. They agreed, and this will be done on the first Tuesday following New Years. Thank you to the Tuesday group for helping out.


Annual Budget Meeting: This took place on December 5, 2009, with outgoing and incoming officers and committee members present. A copy of the proposed 2010 budget was handed out to all members this evening. Please review and be prepared to discuss and vote on the budget at the January meeting. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the propose budget, get with an officer for discussion prior to the January meeting. A copy of the proposed budget is in the newsletter.

Audit Committee: The books need to be audited between now and the January meeting. Marilyn Varick and Laurna Nelson will be doing the audit. All outstanding bills need to be turned in to Delores as soon as possible for payment, as those expenses need to be part of the audit.

Annual Donation to State Home: Julie asked that members quickly review the 2010 proposed budget for the purpose of determining a donation amount to the State Home. This needs to be done tonight, as the presentation of the donation will occur at the January meeting, prior to the approval of the proposed budget. The budget committee proposed an $800 donation to the State Home. Cindy made a motion to donate $800 to the State Home, with the provision that the Guild not be locked into this amount every year. Cora seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

Storage Space: The State Home may have the availability of some storage space for the Guild’s belongings. Currently, there are many Guild belongings stored at various members’ houses and garages. Elaine will be talking with Randy, from the State Home, regarding this possibility


1. Let Helen know if you have a quilt to display at the State Home.

2. Guild Blog/Email site: Be sure to check each month for any changes. Address is

3. Julie read a note from Sue Cleland that she sent with her dues for 2010. Sue and her husband are currently in Arizona. Her new mailing address is: 2040 W. Main Street; Ste. 210-2426; Rapid City, SD 57702.

4. Julie thanked all of the Guild members for their support, input, and work during the two years she was president.

5. Incoming president, Elaine Anderson, presented Julie with a gift of appreciation from the Guild.

NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next business meeting will be January 14, 2010. This is our annual open house, so please bring friends that might be interested in joining the Guild.

NEXT WORKDAY: January 9 will be the next work day. This will be a quilt on your own day, or work on charity quilts. Don’t forget to bring a potluck item.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

BLOCK DRAWING: Karen Meston won the block of the month drawing. She has chosen a bird/birdhouse them. The blocks are to be 12 -1/2” square, on a dark cream/taupe background.

The annual Christmas Party followed tonight’s meeting. A big thank you to the program committee for putting on a great party. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

One of the party favors received was homemade caramels (made by Curt Nettinga) wrapped in a charm square. The program committee asked that this charm square be used with coordinating fabric to make an 8-1/2 “block. These blocks will be donated to our outgoing president (Julie Standen).


Laurna Nelson: Julie’s block.
Beth Mazzela: Sheryl’s block.
Stacey Martin: French braid table runner; table center piece; and Julie’s block.
Helen Schillinger: Julie’s block.
Deloris Hagman: Two blocks.
Judy Gifford: Six placements; one potholder; flame star quilt top; tie dyed star quilt top; Christmas table topper; Sheryl’s basket block; and Julie’s block.
Cora Fugier: Sheryl’s block; Julie’s block.
Cindy Reed: Sheryl’s block.
Elaine Anderson: Julie’s block.
Jan Weisser: Julie’s block.
Shirley Green: Leaf table runner; gold strike quilt.
Ginny Coates: Baby boy quilt; Julie’s block.
Bobbie Augustine: Julie’s block.
Sheryl Brost: Julie’s block.
Marilyn Rowley: Julie’s block.
Karen Meston: Stacey’s blocks.
Caroline Standen: 3D wall hanging; and Julie’s block.


Saturday, January 9, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. – Quilt on your own or work on Charity Quilts. Don’t for get to bring a dish to share.

Thursday, January 14, 7:00 p.m. Regular monthly business meeting. This is our annual open house, so please bring friends that might be interested in joining the Guild.

Tips: When sewing on the binding of a quilt. Make your binding, roll it up (making sure the end is out that you will stitch down 1st) roll it around itself and put it in a large zip-lock bag. Seal the bag up leaving the opening just big enough for the binding to flow through. Then as you move the quilt or if it falls your binding does not get tangled up.

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